Chapter 6

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Picture of Luke above

Luke's P.O.V

It's been two days since I found Zaira, but i haven't had the guts to go and talk to her what will she say when she finds out about my dark secret, the fact that I have a 2 year old son, his name is Andy and I love him with all my heart, but I'm too scared to talk to Zaira about him what will she think of me, the 17 year old Alpha with a 2 year old son.

###Flashback...2 years ago###

I sat in my office thinking of how stupid I was last night. Last night I was forced to go to a party and well I got drunk and slept with some random girl, why was I so stupid, what if she gets pregnant.

1 month later

I stared at the Tv screen, I was watching when 'the girl' walked into the living room.

"Luke.."I looked at her and saw fear written all over her face"I
..I'm...preg...nant" she stated and started crying. To say Iwa shocked was an understatement, I'm going to be a dad, at the age of 15, what am i going to do. I stood up and walked over to her and lead her towards the couch, about 15 min later she started to calm down"I will not reject my child"i told her and she lookedat me through her wet eyelashes, she nodded and gave me a bear hug, i hugged her back but I was still in shocked and a bit scared, how will I be a father? Will I be a good father? What if he/she doesn't like me? What will I tell the pack? Thoughts like this came flooding through my brain.

4 months later

I raced to the hospital since it's been 4 months and Marlene's water just broke. Since I'm a Alpha her pregnancy only lasted 4 months. When I came to the pack hospital i rushed out and ran to the room where i heard her screams, when I came inside I saw Marlene sweating and in labor. I rushed over to her and she gave me a weak smile, I stared at her and tried to help her through it, she held my hand tightly,almost breaking in and just when i thought my hand was going to break, we heard crying. I smiled at my beautiful baby boy, the nurse took the baby from the docter and cleaned him up. I looked down at Marlene, but she wasn't breathing, her eyes were closed, I started shaking her violently and called for the docter. The docter came immediately and started check and taking her pulse. I stared as he did his job and I waited for an anwser, he stopped and looked at me"Luke I'm so sorry, her being in labor was to much for her body and she didn't make it. I'm so sorry" I stared at him and started ahaking my head, this can't be happening, No this can't be happening, what am I going to do I don't know how to raise a child on my own I'm not ready for that responsibility, I'm only 15 I'm not a father this can't be happening no. The nurse came in with my boy while putting the baby into my shaking arms. I stared at the baby in my arms and suddenly all my worries dissapeard as if he sucked it out of my body and I knew that everything is going to be okay and that I will get through this

###Flashback end####

I brought my attention back to the TV and started thinking on the problem with Zaira until Andy carefully walked into the room, with his blue giraffe in his hand. He stopped in front of me and held out his hands, I picked him up and put him on my lap, he stared at me with those big brown eyes, like Marlene, but the rest of his features are like mine, brown hair, his face etc.all my features"Heyy buddy, are you done sleeping" he nodded his head and tried speaking "I hungy" he spoke I picked him up while I stood up from the couch and made my way towards the kitchen, when i came to the kitchen i setted him down in one of the baby chairs and started making some milk for him to drink. When the milk was done I gave it to him and started making a sandwich for me. When I was done I sat at one of the stools around the island and ate my aandwich, after i ate it I saw that Andy was done and I quickly washed the dishes and dried them of, when I was done i picked Andy up and walked to my office, where he can play and I can do some business and think of ways to defeat this Richard guy. I walked up the stairs and towards the white wooden door that led into my office. When I opened the door, I got Andy's ys and sat him and his toys down on the ground and walked towards my big desk in the middle of the room. I sat behind the desk and started working on stragegies while Andy played calmly with his toys.

***2 hours later***

I finally got some stragegies and decided it was time for a run to relieve some of the stress, I stood up and walked over to Andy's sleeping figure, when I picked him up he started to stirr a bit, but almost stopped immediately, I walked out the door towards his zoo decorated room, I opened the door and walked towards his crib, when I tried laying him down he hang on my neck and started mumbling something under his breath, I tried again dd this time he finally let go off my neck and went back to sleep. I took the baby monitor and went downstairs and mind linked my aunt to please come and watch him, about 5 min later she arrived and I gave her the monitor and made my way towards the treeline, I shifted and ran at full speed through the woods and it felt great feeling the wind through my brown fur and grass under my paws, it was the best feeling the world, I started to slow down when I saw the small river coming into view, when I came near it, I started walking towards it and drank some water to clear my throat. After I drank some water I laid down on the grass and watched as the sun started to set, when it started to get dark I stood up and started running back, while dogging trees and jumping over fallen logs. When i came back to the pack house I shifted back and went inside, when I came to the living room I saw my aunt laying on the couch sleeping, I took one of the blankets and threw it over her sleepong figure, then i walked to the kitchen made myself something to eat and went straight to bed with one thing on my mind, tomorrow I'll tell Zaira my dark secret...and with that I fell into a dreamless sleep


Heyy guys

Sorry for the short Chapter. It didn't have much drama only the child thing...

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