|Chapter 10|

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Taehyung let go the embrace in Naeun and looked at her...it felt like she's not the type who want to fight for their love.

"All right, if that's what you want...." Was the last words that he said to her and she gave up...and he let her go.

Taehyung felt that pain all over him. So hurt that it kills.

They said that if you really love that person...no matter how it takes, you will let go of her/him. And if you both are really meant for each other...no matter how it takes, you will come back in each other's embrace again. If that love is real...fate is the most powerful thing that can bring you both back. And there is no question on that.

Taehyung felt the hot and heavy tears that fell one by one to his face as he drove his car furiously.

Misery is swallowing him down. That fact that Naeun left him. The woman he truly loves for the first ti trme in his life. The woman that made him realize how life would be. The only woman that made his heart beats differently.

His eyes were blurry. Taehyung tried to wipe his eyes to dry but when he can see clearer...a big truck was about to approach him. It was too late for Taehyung to overtake and that he was able to hit the truck abruptly. It was so sudden...

Taehyung was taken to the nearest hospital where he was fighting for his life. He was 50/50.

And all the memories that he have for the current days were....gone.

Mrs. Kim, Taehyung's mom was able to get to the hospital the day after with Taeyon.

Taeyon was crying hard, comforting her mom when a doctor approached them.

"Are you Kim Taehyung's family?"

"Yes, we are." Mrs. Kim answered.

"Your son is fine from now. He was able to survive his tying life. But we have a little problem..."

Mrs. Kim held Taeyon's hands tightly as she anxiously pursed her lips. "What is it, doctor?"

"Your son suffers some trauma on his head which caused him to have some partial amnesia."

"What does that mean?" Taeyon asked anxiously.

"It means that your brother either remembers you or not. But, as far as I can say...he might only forget the brief encounters he have to a certain person or people...and some current events might vanish in his memories... But there will still some instances that he will still remember you, his family, because it is where he grew up."

After three weeks, Taehyung took some long medications for his legs and arms where it causes a lot of injuries in the hospital.

During his medication, it is where he also met Krystal who frequently visits him and knew her as his fiancée and filled up those days for him to see her as the only girl he have met in his life.

But...nightmares occur every night of his dreams unusually. He saw this girl who happens to be really beautiful. She have the same features as Krystal...but this girl made Taehyung's heart skipped a beat...

Until Krystal would woke him up...and thought that it might just be really Krystal.

"What is it, oppa?" Krystal asked.

"I have a dream...of a girl..." Krystal brows furrowed but she changed it with a fake laugh.

"You're dreaming of me, oppa?"

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