|Chapter 6|

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NaEun felt so good with the weather. Taehyung and her enjoyed the cool breeze that blows by the prairie.

"Ahh...I really liked it. Now I see why you loved the countryside..." Naeun said while she took another bite of the newly harvest strawberries from the plantation. They were sitting under the shade of a cherry blossom tree after they rode with the horse and then went to harvest a basket-filled strawberries.

Taehyung smiled at her. She's an urban girl yet she liked it all the way...while Sohyun who grew up in Busan hadn't appreciate the beauty of the prairies.

"I'm glad..." Taehyung nodded and patted Naeun's head.

If only this man knew how he made her shiver in every gestures he made, Naeun thought.

"It's actually...easy to liked...so,"

like you...easy to fall on...

Naeun wanted to add but suddenly lost her courage for words. Is this really this hard when you think you're in love? It's so confusing though, 'cause she never been that so meek when she want to say something to a guy...in short, she was bold to say everything back then to a guy...but now...what happened? Why lost the courage to say even the simplest thing.

"I like you...no, maybe love you..." She imagined saying to him.

But then...with just a gaze from his eyes...she felt like her tounge was tied down.

She felt like she don't have the right to say it....she felt like...hopeless...

"Why were you so quite all of a sudden?" Taehyung asked.

"Huh?" Naeun was indeed not in her self.

"Spacing out?" Taehyung asked.

Naeun nodded slowly her head, then she turned to Taehyung...and with all her might...she looked deep down into his eyes.

She felt like exploding at the moment but she need to be tough...to convince herself that it's just all infatuation.

Taehyung felt so confused but his heart skipped a beat...thumping harder and harder like he never felt before...what is this woman affect on him?

She stared at him like forever and Taehyung felt shivers running down his spine.

What is this woman doing?

Every beat of her heart was like fireworks...endless explosions... Naeun's heart felt like tighting...no...what is this? Is this real? She wondered ...

Too much emotions suddenly brought Naeun to tears...her eyes can't take what her heart been feeling...tears dropped in her cheeks.

Droplets of her crystal tears made Taehyung's emotions moved... Why is she crying?

"Naeun...." He said and cupped her face...wiping every cheeks to dry with the tears with his hands.

His hands were warm on her cold cheeks. "Are you alright?" Taehyung asked...what's the matter with her? Why is she crying all of a sudden?

Taehyung can't take it...he felt like he loose every bit of her every time she cries.


Still there's no answer. Naeun just continue to look at him with her eyes full of tears...and she's sobbing.

Taehyung continue to wiped her cheeks and eyes...then until he can't take it no more.

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