Chapter 6

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Rose's POV

I wake up, my head laying on something hard. My eyes are too tired to function, so I continue to cuddle into the hard pillow I'm underneath. I feel the pillow move and I know I might be getting messed with or my pillow is actually moving by itself. I think I'm just dreaming but then the pillow begins to get away from me. I blink my eyes a couple times looking up and I can't understand why my eyes are being so deceitful towards me. 

"Good morning to you too." Wes says in his deep morning voice that I couldn't help but feel myself close my eyes and savor the sound in my mind, as if I could save this moment in a memory like snapchat.

"Were gonna go eat breakfast, don't worry about us, just meet us down there yeah?" Mary says as her and Cody walk out of the hotel room. I hadn't even remembered that we had shared a room with them, let alone that Wes and I slept in the same bed. 

I yawned sitting up from my spot beside him, his arm had been around my waist and I hadn't noticed till I got up, I was sad that his warmth had left my side but I felt like this intimacy was too much for me. I knew that this would go no where, and even if he might like me, he has any girl he can choose from and who am I compared to all his beautiful fans that have known him forever. I just found out about him yesterday, I am the pure definition of a hate fan girl probably. I don't even know what the actual term would be. I just don't want to have to deal with anything more that has to do with him, tonight I'm going to tell him that he needs to sleep on the floor, and while I'm in my thoughts, I stop in my tracks as I watch him get out of bed, taking the covers off his beautiful built body, tan, toned, and, lean. I feel myself blush at the pure sight of his skin. His tattoos making him even more vulnerable.

Many people think tattoos are so bad to put upon your skin, I think it's a form of art, and you get to share apart of yourself with everyone who sees it, whether they understand it or not, it's a beautiful symbol that is only your secret that you don't have to tell anyone about. I'd like to think that people who open up their bodies for the world to see, have this compassionate side of them that most people wouldn't ever get unless they asked them about those particular tattoos. I can't live without wanting to ask them what it means to them. I'm not that outgoing. I've never needed a tattoo, because I don't think I'm that important, but I know Wes is, and that's probably why he has them plastered all over his body, I watch as he closes the bathroom door, I know he's going to take shower, but all that wants to be buried in my mind is the sight of his tattoos on beautiful display for me to see some of his stories.

I need to take a shower too, but I wait for Wes to finish, I sit down next to the bathroom door after I pick out a cute outfit that Mary chose for me to wear today. The door opens after a couple of minutes after the water stopped running, and then the scent of his cologne makes me feel some type of way.

"I'm sorry for the mess in there, I'm really neat usually, but that's not me, I think it was Cody and Mary to be honest, but we only have like twenty minutes, can you get ready that fast?" Wes asks as I walk into the bathroom. I just mumble a yes, and quickly take a shower. I get ready in twelve minutes, and when I walk out of the bathroom I can tell that Wes is surprised by my presence. 

"I'm kind of fast sometimes, let's go." I say as I grab my phone and put my wallet in my back pocket.

We don't speak much walking to the elevator, but that's probably because  I don't have anything to say to him. I don't feel like wasting my time on him when I have Dakota.

"Is it something I did? Are you mad at me or?" Wes asks as we step into the elevator. I shake my head no, because I don't feel like words can't explain my feelings right now.

"I'm sorry anyway." Wes says, and for a minute, we both don't speak again.

"Can we just forget about last night. I'm sorry for being like that. I shouldn't have let you keep kissing me when I knew that Dakota-" I say but I get cut off by him kissing me.

When he pulls away, I feel so much better after he's kissed me.

"I can't. I'm sorry. I know that Dakota likes you, and you know Dakota, but I want to get to know you. And I know we just met. But-" He begins to rant to me, and I cut him off.

"No. I don't want to have to deal with this. We just met. No thank you." I say and as soon as the elevator opens, I get away from him. I don't want to pretend that something could work out between us, because I know that will never happen. He will have to tour, and their are millions of girls in love with him, it will never work. 

I don't need heartbreak. He's already giving me heartache and I don't need that either.

I walk into the ballroom where all the talents are in for the VIP. I feel like fraud standing with these girls who know everything and anything it is to know about these boys and girls.

"Are you okay?" The Talent Joey (i think that's his name.) asks me.

"I will be." I answer, I don't want to go into detail. But he doesn't leave right away.

"You want a hug?" He asks, but instead of waiting for my answer he hugs me. He knows.

He whispers in my ear "It's okay, you don't have to tell me, I just want you that your so beautiful, and even if you may not really know me, I want you to know that everything will be okay." And I squeeze him in my arms, and he hugs me tighter. I needed that. I needed him to tell me those exact words.

The only problem was the words that came out from behind me, is what made me want to be buried deep in Joey's pink sweater.


hello loves, I'm sorry for the long wait. I'll try to update tomorrow again today since it's like almost 3 AM. Again thank you for taking the time to read this story, and thank you for being apart of the Wesley Finn Tucker fan base, and even if you aren't thank you for supporting this story!!! lots of love to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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