Chapter 4

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Her smile is so beautiful.

"Now It's weird I know but she made me a cute letter with my full name on the envelope that was in like the most beautiful hand writing like I have terrible had writing so I could read it lol." I begin to explain.

"Aw that's so sweet, you have really bad hand writing? How is one's hand writing  even bad?" Rose asks looking at me with wonder. I swear it was like I was in a trans every time she looked at me.

"It's when you can't even read your own hand writing that you know it's bad." Dakota says to her, I'd forgotten that he was still beside us. His hand was in her hand as well. I smiled as she nodded agreeing with him. 

"Of course were going to a fancy place like this." I laugh, Rose looks at where we are and starts to get super nervous.

"Why would you take us here, I'm not dressed for it. God, I look like a one direction fangirl threw up on me. I can't believe I even walked in here." Rose says looking at the ground.

Dakota whispers in her ear, and I can tell that she is going to feel better because she starts laughing.

I feel a pang of jealousy at that, I wanted to tell her something to make her feel better, but obviously I'm the idiot who even told  her to not blame Dakota badly, and look where that's got me. It's got me farther away from her, and she's just going to put me into the friend zone.

I mean it's not like I'm not already there. I'm just digging myself a deeper hole with being so nice to her. It's just hard to not be nice to someone who broke a part right in front of me. She trusted me with her secret and she made sure that I knew. She made me feel so special, and it's weird that I'm feeling this way in a matter of hours. I've never had this happen.

"Wes are you there?" Rose asks taking me out of my head.

"I'm here sorry." I say as I look at them around me. We've already sat down at a table and I know Cody has ordered a pizza that we all can share, but obviously all of us get pizza because thats what Cody dragged us here for. Cody always picks the best pizza place in the area we are in and he makes sure that we can walk there.

All I feel is alone. I want to talk to Rose but she's occupied with Dakota, and I don't want to bother her because they look adorable together and gosh it aggravates me that I let myself think like this, I know that I like her, but if he can make her happy who am I to stop that?

"Isn't it weird that we've been here for fifteen minutes and still I haven't gotten my pizza, Wes don't you think I deserve my pizza?" Cody says aloud.

"Cody, stop being so impatient god, you are such a cry baby. Why don't you just do as your wrist says and relax." I respond, and Dakota laughs.

"I gotta give you props bro, that was a good one." Cody laughs applauding me on my roast.

"No it wasn't that good, I was just tired of your complaining because it gets in the way of any logic you might have." I fire back.

"Oh your getting owned Cody." Mary laughs squeezing Cody's arm.

"Well it's not like he's wrong, I'm hungry, and if they had fast service here, we would have our pies already." Rose states firing at the conversation.

There goes my feelings for her. The shot out right when she began talking and I began listening. 

"Hi, I'm sorry for the delay folks, we will have your pies done in about twenty more minutes." Our waiter says.

I can feel myself getting a little frustrated because my stomach growls. I didn't eat all day,

"You've got to be kidding me." Rose laughs.

The Waiter laughs as well. "I am." 

And just like that all our pies come out one by one and the teens all got the food that they wanted.


Hello loves! I'm sorry for the short update, it was in Wes's POV (it was extremely hard to write so next chapter will be in Rose's POV) like I'm really sorry. I was busy all day! But I will be updating tomorrow!! Happy 4th of July to you all! :))) And thank you for supporting Wesley Finn Tucker and even if you don't thank you for supporting this story!! Hope you have a great night/day loves! :)

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