Writer's Summer Camp Introduction

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Hello camp writers,

If you have got this far you are interested by the concept of this contest and would like to know more. First of all I would like to welcome you all and thank anyone who has given me feedback in the planning stage that has now looked further into my contest. The contest will be focused on a point system so everyone leaves with something after the ten tasks at the end of the ten week duration.  I just ask you don't drop out as it will effect members of the contest. Please of you really can't avoid dropping out let me know and I will see if you have earn enough point to get something for helping me make my first contest.

Still sound interesting then you are ready for your first step. Please inbox me with the story out of which the characters you will develop and the genre of your book. If you are creating a new book that is still in the works they that's fine to.  You can just inbox me to let me know you want to join still. This will allow me to help focus the tasks more to benefit you. It will also be at this stage I can notify you if there is a place available as I will only be taking twenty writers only as it is my first contest so i would like to see how it goes before I consider to develop anything on a larger scale.

Then you can begin to enjoy the contest while meeting fallow writers and everyone get something. Who knows you might help a writer be confidence in their characters or even met someone you want to take the ultimate task of communication with and co-write a book. 

Please if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask them and please if you have problem inbox me directly so it can be fixed. i will not have conflict during the process as it if meant to be a fun time.

Thank You,

Nichole Riley,

Your Contest Camp Leader

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