Chapter 8

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Today was the day, ratchet was leaving. It was morning, the rest of Autobot's were on their way over. Poor Peyton still did not come out of her room. Last night she only ate a little bit of her dinner, this morning she didn't eat at all.

Ratchet was now in his actual form, finally able to walk on his healed leg. Selena, Noah in her arms, waited outside with him.

Selena sighed "I hope you visit..."

Ratchet smiled "I will try..."

Selena was about to say something else, but roars of engines were heard. Soon about three vehicles came into view. One was a Semi with flames, another was a back Topkick truck, and the last one was yellow Camaro.

They all came to a halt in front of the house, then started transforming. The Yellow bot spoke, through seemed to be like a radio.

"HeY RaTcHeT!"

Ratchet smiled "It's finally great to see you all again..."

The tallest one with the flames spoke "It is great to see you old friend. Now who is our hero?"

Ratchet chuckled and gestured toward Selena "This young lady found me and repaired me. She allowed me to stay at her home, with her two other family members. She really saved my aft..."

Optimus smiled and knelt down to Selena "Thank you young one. What is your name?"

Selena smiled "I am Selena Dawson this,"

She held up Noah "Is my little brother Noah, and my other sibling Peyton is inside..."

The black bot spoke "Well why isn't she out here?"

Selena sighed "She is upset Ratchet is leaving..."

The tallest sighed "Well I am Optimus Prime, this is Ironhide my weapons specialist, and that's Bumblebee our scout."

Selena nodded "It's very nice to meet you all..."

Then Ironhide spoke "Boss it's time to go, Major Lennox needs us all back..."

Optimus nodded and looked at Ratchet "Are you ready old friend?"

Ratchet sadly sighed and nodded "Yes I am..."

Selena smiled, but it wasn't real. Optimus nodded "Thank you again Selena, we will give you some space to say goodbye."

The three transformed, driving off down the road. Once they were out of view, Ratchet sighed. He transformers into his vehicle mode, his Holoform stepping out of the drivers side.

He walked up to Selena, and brought her into a hug, carful because Noah was in the middle. Selena cried on his shoulder, Ratchet let go and took Noah from her arms. He smiled down at the little bundle

"I'll miss you too buddy..."
Selena giggled, Ratchet handed little Noah back to his sister. Ratchet sighed looking at the house, then back at Selena.

"Tell Peyton I'll miss her very much..."
Selena nodded, smiling sadly.

Ratchet nodded, his Holoform was fizzed away, but a shout was heard.


Ratchets Holoform fizzed back and he saw Peyton, running down the stairs jumping into his arms.

"I'll miss you too..." She cried and onto his shoulder and whispered into his ear.

Ratchet smiled and hugged her back tightly "We will see each other again, when I know I have time..."

Peyton nodded "Ok..."

Ratchet and her let go of the embraced hug, he looked at Selena one last time, his hologram fizzed away. Peyton went to her sisters side, Selena wrapping her arm around her shoulder. They watched as Ratchet drove away, meeting his friends at the end of the drive way.

Selena sighed "It's gonna be ok..."

Peyton nodded and they both trudged in the house, Peyton fell on the couch while Selena put Noah in his swing chair. She went into the kitchen and started cleaning up the breakfast dishes, she was wiping the counters, but stopped when she saw a price of paper folded in half.

She looked at it confused and opened it, reading it in her head.

Dear Selena,

If you find this note, just know I will always miss you. I want to greatly thank you for saving me and helping me heal, allowing me to stay at your house very appreciative. I know that I have gone now, but please don't be sad... If you ever need me call me... You have my number.

I will Protect you...

The End...

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