Chapter 6

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It was now night time, that also meant dinner time. Selena looked through the fridge and cab it's. She found to cans of spaghetti sauces and spaghetti noodles. Tonight was an Italian night.

Selena grabbed a pan and tureen the heat up, she then grab a pot filling it up with water and setting it on the stove to boil on high.

As she waited for those to heat up, she opened the cans of sauce and opened the box of noodles, preparing it. Baby Noah was in his swing chair, then Selena had to use the rest room.

"I'm sorry, I have to use the rest room. If Noah gets fussy, just leave him he usually stops."

Ratchet nodded, he was sitting on the dinning room chair, sitting next to Noah. Selena rushed to the bathroom, trying to hurry. Then Selena heard the noise she did not want to hear. Noah started crying.

Selena sighed, she tried to hurry, but she had to use the restroom badly. Selena was quickly washing her hands, till she heard the crying stop. She rushed out and saw something she just was not expecting. Ratchet held Noah close, slightly bouncing side to side.

Selena smiled and walked up to him "Um thank you... I can take him if you want."

Ratchet shook his head "It's  fine, he's is starting to grown on me..."

Selena giggled, the she heard bubbling noises. She went to the stove and saw the water boiling. She then placed the noddles in the hot boiling water, waiting till they turned limp enough to eat. By now the sauce pan was warm as well, she dumped both sauce cans in the pan.

Selena looked at the clock "Noah should be getting hungry soon. I better make his bottle."

Selena grabbed a clean bottle, the grabbed the powder formula. Selena filled the bottle up with water to the desired measure. He then placed the bottle on the microwave for a few minutes.

Once she heard the beeping, she took the bottle out and put the desired scoops of formula, which was like two. She put the lid on the bottle, she placed her finger on the nub covering the whole. She started shaking the bottle, making the powder dissolve.

After a few seconds or minutes, Noah fussed for his bottle, right on time. Selena smiled and walked up to Ratchet, who was still holding Noah.

Selena asked "You wanna try and feed him?"

Ratchet nodded and grabbed the bottle, but he was stuck on how to place the nub on Noah's mouth.

Selena giggled "Here, just brush the nub against his lips. He will immorality know what it is and open his mouth. The lightly place the nub in his mouth and he does the rest of the work..."

Selena placed her hand on Ratchets guiding him through the steps, then Ratchet had it down like a champ! Selena smiled and went back to the stove, the noddles were done and sauce was warmed up and ready.

"Peyton dinner is ready sissy!" Selena said.

Soon little stomps were heard through the halls and Peyton ran in the kitchen.

"Watcha' make sis?" Peyton asked sitting at the table.

"Spaghetti." Selena said, setting Peyton's plate down.

Selena looked at Ratchet "You said you don't eat right"

Ratchet nodded and sat on one of the chairs, still feeding Noah. Selena made her plate and sat down next to Leyton. After a few minutes of silence Selena spoke.

"So the school year is almost coming up. You know I have to homeschool you. Right?"

Peyton nodded eating her dinner and Selena continued "I recently found out a day care is hiring, They have a special program where I work and you get to play with other kids. Noah will go to another room and be taken care by other day care workers. Are you alright with that?"

Peyton nodded again "Why do you need a job?"

Selena sighed "Money sis... Money..."

Peyton shrugged "I didn't know green paper controlled your life..."

Selena chuckled "I didn't either, but it does. Now speaking of money, we are on a budget ok?"

Peyton nodded again "Yup..."

Selena nodded and took a bite out of her noodles, she looked over and saw Noah finished his bottle. Selena giggled

"You wanna burp him to? Warning be might spit up..."

Ratchet made a disgusting face "You can take the burping job."

Selena laughed, grabbing a small towel and picking Noah up out of Ratchets arms. Selena sat back down  and laid Noah's head on her shoulder, a towel laid underneath. Selene then started patting his back waiting for the small burp.

A few minutes later the burp was heard and luckily no spit up! Selena then placed him in his swim chair sense he was milk drunk. Selena went back to her dinner, by now Peyton was done. Selena spoke again.

"Tonight's bath night..."

Peyton sighed "Can't we do it tomorrow..."

Selena shook her head "No, because your just gonna say lets do it tomorrow and you will never get your bath."

Peyton pouted "Fine..."

Selena smiled "They aren't that bad. Once you get in your fine."

Peyton sighed "I know..."

Selena giggled "I swear kid you make me so confused sometimes..."

Peyton giggled, the she turned to Ratchet.

"So beside that bad fighting... What else do you do?"

Selena laughed a little, earning a joking glare from Ratchet. Ratchet turned to Peyton and sighed.

"Well I am actually a medic..."

Peyton nodded "You save lives?"

Ratchet chuckled "You can say that."

Payton asked "So does that mean you know everything?"

Ratchet smiled "No. I just know what I need rondo in medical emergencies."

Peyton nodded and them mumbled "Still suck at fighting though...

Selena laughed, Ratchet rolling his eyes.


Sorry for the errors!!

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