Chapter 7

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A few days later...

It was an early morning, Selena woke up earlier as usual. Ratchet had been a wonderful guest, he always told Peyton stories about his home and the ease he has been through. He has also been good with Noah, the kids are have grown on him.

Just recently Selena and Ratchet, went to his actual body. His injury has healed tremendously, and the phone systems have come back online. Ratchet finally was able to call his friends, which meant Ratchet was able to go home.

Selena was actually quite bummed, but knew he already had a family and home. Peyton doesn't know he is leaving tomorrow. Selena thought it would be best to tell her tonight and have Ratchet hang out with her before.

Ratchet and Peyton were actually watching My Little Ponies, but it took some convincing to make him watch it. Took almost 30 minutes, but totally worth it. As they were watching it, Ratchet couldn't hold in his question.

"Horses don't talk." Ok more like a statement.

Peyton rolled her eyes "It's a kids show!"

Ratchet scoffed "Well A ridiculous one!"

Peyton laughed "It's not real silly! It's just a kids show!"

Ratchet chuckled "It's doesn't make sense! Horses don't talk!"

Peyton laughed "No kids show makes sense, but that's what makes it good! And they are Ponies not horses!"

Ratchet chuckled again "I still don't understand..."

Peyton sighed "Are you breathing right?"

Ratchet nodded and Peyton finished "Ok this show ain't screw up your system. You'll live."

Ratchet chuckled at her statement, Peyton then went back to watching the TV show. Selena came in the living room, with Noah in her arms.

"What are you to watching?"

Ratchet answered "This ridiculously show with talking horses."

"PONIES!" Peyton cut in.

"Uh... Ponies..." Ratchet said sighing at first.

Selena giggled "Ratchet watching My Little Ponies? How did that happen?"

Ratchet chuckled "I don't even know... Begging?"

Peyton nodded "Lots of it, but my puppy eyes got him."

Ratchet cut in "I will never look at those puppy eyes! They are evil!"

Peyton laughed, Selena laughing with her and Ratchet just smiled. Then they all continued watching the kids show. After an hour later, lunch time was near. Selena got up of the couch, placing Noah in his swing chair and turning it on low for now.

Selena turned to Peyton "What do you want for lunch?"

Peyton thought for a moment "Hmmmm... How about a sandwich?"

Selena nodded "PB and J?"

Peyton nodded and Selena went to the kitchen and started making Peyton lunch. Peyton looked outside, a little upset and yet relieved. Ratchet looked at her concerned.

"What's wrong?"

Peyton looked at him smiling "Nothing..." She wasn't fooling him though.

Ratchet heave her the 'I know your Lying' look.

Peyton sighed "Nothing! Really..."

Ratchet sighed as well "Your a bad liar..."

Peyton looked down at her hands, that were in her lap. She mumbled "Your leaving. Aren't you?"

Ratchet couldn't hear her though "What?"

Peyton snapped and stood up off the couch "I said your leaving! Aren't you?!"

Ratchet jumped and so did Selena, Selena rushed into the living room.

"How did you know?" Selena demanded.

Peyton sighed "I'm not dumb! I heard you two talking last night! Why are leaving!?
Don't leave!"

Ratchet just sat their shocked, but cleared his throat "Peyton..."

Peyton shook her head "No! I love having you here and then your leaving! Just like mom and dad. Everyone just leaves me!"

Peyton ran to her room, tears running down her face. Selena had tears in her eyes once she heard Peyton talk about their parents. Ratchet stood up, his spark basically torn. Selena went to go to her sisters room, but Ratchet grabbed her arm.

"Just give her space..."

Selena sobbed and Ratchet pulled her into a hug, Selena cried on his chest while Ratchet rubbed her back soothingly.

After a few minutes Selena spoke "Why did they have to leave?"

Ratchet put his hands on Selena shoulders, making her look at him.

"I don't know, but right now that doesn't matter. If they don't want to act like adults and act like kids, fine whatever. Right now Peyton and Noah have you. And I know you are not leaving anytime soon."

Selena nodded "Yeah, but..."

Ratchet cut in "No buts. Now all you have to do his being Peyton her lunch and hope she eats. She just needs time..."

Selena nodded, wiping her tears away. She went to the kitchen finishing Peyton's lunch. She played her food and took it to her. She entered her room and set it on her nightstand.

"Please eat ok..."

Peyton cried in her pillow, not answering. Selena sighed, and walked out. Pretty soon she heard Noah cry and now she had to feed him. She went to the kitchen only to find Ratchet making a bottle.

"You know how to make a bottle?"

Ratchet smiled "I've watched you do for a while  now. I know what to do... But your still burping."

Selena laughed and nodded. Ratchet finished making Noah's bottle, he set the bottle on the coffee counter and picked up baby Noah gently.

Ratchet settled himself on the couch, making Noah comfy in his arms, then he grabbed the bottle. Brushing the nub of the bottle against Noah's lips and Noah started eating. Yup Ratchet was a champ by now!

Selena smiled at then sight, it felt pretty good to have someone do it for her once in awhile. Selena sat next to Ratchet and grabbed the remote and changed the channel. Ratchet sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness I was getting tired of that Pinkie horse."

Selena giggled and corrected him "Ponies."

Ratchet chuckled "Ponies..."


Sorry for the errors!

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