Chapter 59

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2 months later

My baby bump is growing and I cant hide it anymore. My unborn baby already six months old. I'm staying in Lima and got online study. Puck already go back to his work and he come back here only once in a week.

His boss said yes for what Puck asked. He got less work hour and can go back home, take care of me and sing a song for our baby.

"Hi Pheebs and Zac. It's me uncle Finn. You guys want me sing a song?" Finn said as he strokes my belly.

"They're moving! Keep talking, Finn." I said to Finn.

"Okay, you know that you guys are baby jew? Your mom is not a jew but your dad is. Dont ask me where the hell your dad right now but he might be sleeping with another chick right now." Finn said.

"Finn..." I rolled my eyes.

"I was kidding. Dad is still working, now you guys here with me uncle Finn." Finn said to my belly.

"It looks like Finn is ready to have a baby." Mom chuckled.

"Not really. I just helping since their father its not here." Finn said to mom.

"Daddy come home, kids!" Puck's voice.

I turned my face and Puck is standing from the door. Yeah it's time for him to come back home and got day off.

"Your dad is coming so I will sing you a song later, kids." Finn strokes my belly.

"I though you will come home tomorrow, Puck." Mom said to Puck.

"It should be. But I took Lima express from New York. Cant wait any longer to meet my kids and my woman." Puck give me a quick kiss.

"It's finish!" Mom sighed.

"What is that, mom?" I asked.

"Baby's socks. The blue one for Zac and the pink one for Phoebe. I cant believe that I can finished this only in two weeks." Mom chuckled and give me two baby socks.

"See kids? You guys not even born yet but you already got a gift from your grandma." Puck said as he strokes my belly.

"Haha I will prepare for the dinner. Burt and Kurt will back home immediately." Mom smiled at us and walked off.

"Puck, change your clothes first." I said to Puck.

"Okay, okay." Puck sighed and walked off to my room.

"You dont want to have a baby, Finn?" I asked Finn.

"I want to but Rachel is still want to be a broadway stars. I'm not even sure that we will get married this time or even this year." Finn let out a sigh.

"That's sucks." I said to Finn.

"But that's fine." Finn half smiled at me.

"Oh come on, sing a song for Zac and Phoebe again." I said to Finn.

"Zachary and Phoebe is Puckerman's babies. I hope that you both will get Hudson last name but I was wrong you both got that jew last name lalala." Finn sing.

"Idiot." I rolled my eyes.

"You both have two cats. Taylor and Jeremy. Taylor for Zac and Jeremy for Pheebs." Finn said.

"Look, dad. Another guy in this house is ready to have baby." Kurt and Burt finally home.

"I'm just talking to them. They should know about me, their uncle." Finn said.

I didnt say anything but place Finn's hand on my belly as I feel my babies is moving.

"Oh no! I can feel that they're doing something inside. They heard me!" Finn yelled happily.

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