Chapter 16

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I sat down in a waiting chair and reading some beauty magazines waiting for Rachel's doctor.

I take a look at Rachel and she is looking at me then give me a little smile. I just frowned and go back read the magazine.

"Ms. Berry." A nurse call Rachel.

"Come on, E." Rachel said to me.

I close the magazine and stand up from my seat then follow Rachel to see the doctor.

We then entered the room with a doctor greeted and smiled at us.

"How are you Ms. Berry?" The doctor asked Rachel.

"I'm good and this is my friend, Emily." Rachel introduce me.

I just smiled at the doctor.

"Nice nose." The doctor said.

"Well it's what Rachel wants." I said to the doctor.

"Well lets make up some photo compression." The doctor said to me.

I just nodded and a nurse show me a place to take some photos from many sides of my body.

Rachel sits down on the surgery chair and let another nurse draw her nose.

"It's done. You can go back to waiting chair." A nurse said to me.

"It will take a long time right? Can I just go back to my home?" I asked.

"Sure." The nurse said to me.

I nodded and went out from the room and go home. I take a cab to go home, it will be boring if I have to wait in the hospital for a long time.

30 minutes and I finally got home. I saw Puck's car outside and he must be inside, playing games with Finn or doing something.

I opened the door and entered my house when Kurt and Blaine are watching TV together in the living room.

"Is that done?" Kurt asked me.

"Not yet actually but I left her since I bored there." I simply said and walked to my room.

Right, Puck and Finn are playing games together in Finn's room.

"E? Is that you?" Finn yelled from the next room.

"No, it's Taylor." I yelled back.

"Since when a cat can talk." Puck said.

I lift Taylor up from my bed and walked to Finn's room.

"Since I dated Puckerman." I chuckled as I lift Taylor up.

"You went home earlier, babe." Puck said to me.

"I left Rachel alone, I got bored there." I chuckled and sit down on Finn's bed.

"You're so mean." Finn suddenly said.

"Then why dont you just come there and waiting for her?" I asked Finn.

"Quinn will slap me." Finn sighed.

"Quinn is the best slapper ever." Puck simply said.

"Fortunately I havent slap you yet, Puck." I grinned at Puck.

"But you wont slap me, right babe?" Puck grinned back at me.

"Remember the rules how to date my sister, man." Finn simply said.

"Ups sorry Puck." I laughed.

"We can do the make out in my place, baby." Puck smirked at me.

"Hell to the no." Finn yelled.

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