Chapter 8

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You and Niall just spent most day's relaxing, or going out secretly. Because Niall was famous, fans were everywhere. But, they didn't know that you were dating Niall Horan. Once they find out, that's it. No more privacy, and you had to look perfect at all times.

"I hope they don't find out Ni. When they do it's over" You said worringly sitting up in the soft, warm bed.

"That was random (Y/N), but yes I know love. Lets hope they don't find out for a bit" Niall whispered, kissing your nose.

Niall's P.O.V

I know she's worried, I am too. I just want to protect my girl, and when the fans find out they'll go crazy. And since (Y/N) hasn't lived the best of lives, she will feel so scared... What can I do? Come on Niall, think! I grabbed by hair and was mumbling to myself.

Your P.O.V

"Niall! S'up with you this morning?" You asked concerned

"N-nothing hun, just stressed like usual, to many things to do" Niall saying, biting his lip- You could tell he was lying

"If you say so" You sighed, leaving bed to get changed

Once you had a shower and changed, you walked to the kitchen to get something to eat, you were very comfortable with Niall, you felt safe.

"Hey babe, lets go out for lunch. I fancy treating you" Niall said grabbing your waist and pulling you closer.

"O-ok I suppose, lets hope we don't get caught" You said with a wink

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