Chapter 6

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"Ahh, I forgot you wouldn't know my love, I will tell you the short story, you'll learn yourself eventually" Niall spoke with a wink

"I went on this singing show, then I got put in a band with Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn, we never won but we came close. And thanks to all our fans-"

"Wait... your famous?" You said shocked

"Haha, you could put it like that" Niall said smirking, he continued

"Thanks to all our fans we are famous, we have made a few albums, won awards etc, and I have loved every single minute of it!" He said with a giggle

"That's amazing Niall!" You said squealing

"Ahh yes, sure is" He said with a giggle

He gave you a laptop so you could see the video diary's.... But you didn't know how to work it- You never used one before

"Sorry love, I forgot!" Niall said, taking the laptop back and going onto youtube to get to the video diary's.

Once he got on he handed the laptop back to you and he played them, one by one. Niall giggled half the time, it was contagious! When the diary's had finished you fell asleep soon after, Niall took the laptop and turned it off then snuggled into you.

"I love you Princess" He said, un aware that you weren't fully sleeping

"I love you too" You whispered softly

From A Nothing To A Something (Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now