Chapter 3

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Everything was blurry, What Happened? Where am I? You slowly sat up, you couldn't see much but you could hear people talking.

"Hey hey, lie back down, you need to rest" A boy said, lowering you back down.

You panicked, you started screaming and trying you move out of this bed, just then a woman started talking and made everyone get out the room quickly.

"Right boys, stand outside the room for a minute, she obviously doesn't understand where she is or who you guys are"

The boys quickly escaped the room, but still peering in the window, checking how you were.

"Calm down (Y/N), you are in South Forest Hospital, your safe girl, it's ok" The Nurse whispered, stroking your hair and putting the thin layer of blanket back over you.

"I.... Want.... N" You gasped.

"Ok hun, I'll go see if I can find him" She said, walking out the door

"Which boy's name begins with the letter N? She wants to see you"

Niall was shocked but went straight in.

"Hey love!" Niall said, pecking your cheek softly

"So...rry." You gasped again. Niall got the hint and put your oxygen mask over your mouth

"Don't try and speak, save it just now" The Irish boy whispered

You nodded and fell asleep, still not knowing who the boys were, and only knowing that you were in Hospital, with the boy you loved.

From A Nothing To A Something (Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now