Chapter 5

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You stopped and started again.

"I just wanted to say..."

You got flashbacks of everything he had done for you, would he feel the same way? Surely he wouldn't care for a stranger like this if he had no feelings for you...

"Does he have feelings for me?" You thought

"I love you Niall" You whispered looking down

"What did you say?" Niall said, moving closer to you

You sighed and spoke again

"I love you, I love you alright and I'm sorry if you hate me now, I'm sorry I'm sorry!" You shouted, hiding under the covers once you'd finished

"I'm not.... I'm not sorry you love me" He said, pulling down the covers to see your beautiful face again.

"What?" You smiled, wiping your tears

"I love you too. Ever since I met you I fell in love, and I just want you to know-" He grabbed your hand

"I will love you 'Till the day I die"

Tears rolled down Niall's soft cheeks, you moved forward and wiped them off. He flung his arms around your neck and gave you a huge Horan Hug. You smiled and hugged him tightly back.

You pecked his soft lips for a second, then whispered

"But who are you... Why do you have awards and albums on that shelf with you on them? Tell me Niall, Tell me"

From A Nothing To A Something (Niall Horan FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now