Interview With Chlobuggy

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Finally! Time for another interview. Here, we have the author of one of the best stories, "The Game" She is currently working on a sequel, called "The Awakening", and I suggest you go read both of them. 

Anyway, here we go. When Jenna was young, she would always get dropped off at her moms' friends house. The house was occupied with two young boys, and they would torture her constantly. Lucky for her, they moved away. That was eight years ago. Now the boys are back - and stunningly attractive. Jenna, seeing an oppurtunity for revenge thinks she can get them back, trying to beat them at a bigger and better game. But at what cost? She's treading on dangerous waters, and in the game of love, can you ever really win?

This story is absolutely amazing, and she is currently working on a sequel, "The Awakening." Since it would be giving to much away, I won't be giving a summary just yet (hehe). Anyway, here is the interview:

What genre do you like to write most?

Hmmm.... I totally love romance, but that mystery/suspense theme was pretty thrilling!

Favorite story you have written and why?

Ahhh, my favorite story isn't posted on here. I hope one day it will be. it was the first story I had ever written, and it was about a girl who's family was murdered. The killer liked to mess with her, just because he could. He was dangerous, and the story had so many plot twists! it was fantastic. I think that's why everyone loved it so much - they never knew what to expect!

Whats something about you that your fans don't know?

Hmmm there's a lot of things I suppose... I think the biggest thing that my fans don't know is that most of my stories are actually based on real life things. Some of the things have actually happened to me, and some of them have happened to friends or family. So my stories are real. If you look close enough, you can see my life story.

What inspired you to start writing?

I honestly never thought I'd get into writing. It was in seventh grade, and I was just bored out of my mind in math, so I started writing this story. It wound up being close to 500 pages, and I had copies going around the entire school. It was pretty fantastic for people I didn't even know come up to me, asking me for another chapter.

Favorite color and why?

Mint green. I have no idea why! I just love the color! It's so crisp and cool, and it looks great with my pasty white skin tone and green eyes! It's just such a pretty color!

And there you have it! My interview with Chlobuggy is complete. The link to the awesome book, "The Game" will be linked on the side. Sorry I have not updated in a while, but now I'm here to stay :) As always, thanks for reading!

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