Whipped Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

They say it's better to have loved than lost than never to have loved at all.

Personally that's like saying it's better to climb a moutain and fall than to never climb the moutain, now I don't know about you but plummeting to my death isn't very appealing to me.

I shuffled around the office, thinking.

A cocophony of thought, wishes, ideas, and fantasies swirling around in my head like a mass of angry bees.

And the queen bee?


I wish I could purge him from my mind even for just a few minutes so that I could focus on something besides him inside of me for once. I tried to work on contacting some of my new clients, but it had seemed too borsesome to do so.

I looked at my watch, the minute hand hitting three spaces past the diamond at the top.

I guess I could get some coffee right about now.

I grabbed my things and clocked out for my break, the familiar clicking of the keys fading as my heels clicked away.

I pulled my Burberry jacket flush around me, slipping on my leather gloves, and preparing my self for the blast of fridgid air that never fails to knock me on my ass everytime I open the door.

I mean, I love fall as much as the next person but I really hate the cold.

I pulled my tresses out of their chigon letting them fall around down my back as a curtain of burgandy. Bernie's was only a three minute walk but in this weather it seemed like an eternity. I stepped out into the frigid air, the sounds of the city engulfed me as I melded in with the daytime crowd.

I opened the door to Bernie's Beans relishing the smell of fresh brewed Sumatra in the air, Bernie's was an inviting place to say the least. It reminded me much of home, worn leather sofas, coffee tables with little knicks on the edges, the reoccuring theme of coco browns and cinnamon reds. It was one of the first places I had gone when I'd first moved to New York County, and I've been coming every since.

"Kitty!" A familiar baratone voice bellowed, I looked up to see Bernie wadling over with his signature smile plastered on.

His grey eyes met mine, the laugh lines around his face deepening, his hair had greyed more since the last time I saw him.

"Hey Bernie, how're you holding up?" I asked looking around the twenty or so people that were littered around the little shop.

"Pretty good, Helen's got me on a run for my money with this old place." He chuckled. "How've you been midgit?"

I scoweled at his deragatory pet name for me, "Good, hanging in there, I'll have the usual."

"Vanilla chai no whip, you got it toots." He said turning around to hand my order to one of the waitresses.

I grabbed a NY times and lost my self in the soft jazz music playing through the old jukebox in the corner.

When the waitress returned with my bill someone reached their hand over and placed a credit card on top of it . "I got it." A familiar vebrato filled my ears. I swung around to come face to face with my generous benefactor.

"Jay." I breathed, a smile tugging on my lips as I enveloped him in a hug.

"Nice to see you again Kat." He said green eyes shining.

"What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in ages!" I said stepping back to look at him.

"Well when your best friend is too much of a big shot stock broker to call every once and a while that happens." He smiled.

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