Part 20

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-Ty's POV~~


It was dark, pitch black even. All I could feel was a pain in my back and neck. I groaned, I still was a hound as I could tell. I slowly got up, stumbling a little. Once I got my balance, I start to look around. ' I?' Then I start hearing a voice. "Well well~ seems that you made it in time." I look over to where the voice came from and it was Maxwell. I growled a little. Not wanting to see him after what he's done to me and my family. He just smiled a little then turned his head away, a small frown on his face. "Do you want to know why I did this to you?" I raised my head a little and tilted it, Curious to what he's got to say. "I did this because...well I was jealous of you brother." I froze and my eyes widened. 'What? He was..jealous...of me?' I stopped growling and just thought to myself till he said something. "I was jealous of you..cause of how happy you had everything you needed..I wanted what you had so bad. I tried getting a girl, but it never worked out...I wanted my own kids. My own had some much and I wanted that made me angry that I couldn't have it! That's why I did this...and I want to say that...I'm sorry..I am sorry brother." Maxwell looked up at me, with tears streaming down his cheeks. I remember that face...that was the face of my little brother..that was the real him. He's telling the truth. I walked over to him and say next to him, letting him lean against me for comfort. As he did he started to sob. This made my heart ache completely. 'He's still my family...' I stay calm and let him cry it out. "I love you big brother.." I looked down at Max as he said those words. I then started to tear up myself and I nuzzled his face softly, lightly wiping his tears away. 'I want to be able to hold him and help him heal..' I thought and wrapped a paw around him, holding him close as he cried. 'I wish I was human again so I can truly be his big brother again. "I can help you turn'll be hard, but I can do it..." I moved away from me and wiped his eyes. I watched him and listened. "I just need to get the materials together, to make the cure." My eyes widened a little, but then went back to normal as I laid down next to him. "I promise brother..I'm going to fix you up!" Max said and he hugged me around the neck. "I promise..." That's the last thing I heard before I woke up...
A/n- hey! How's it going guys? Hope you enjoyed this chapter, with Ty and maxi making up. It's a bit fluffy so I hope that's ok, who doesn't like fluff? Alright that's all for now, I'll see you all in the next chapter!! Bye bye! Wolfy lovez you!

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