Part 19

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-Y/n POV~~

When I uncovered my face, I saw Ty. He had knocked the other hound back. Ty stood over me protectively, growling and baring his teeth at the other hounds. The hound that Ty knocked off me looked over to him and growled back. The one on top of Wilson managed to get his spear and throw it to the side. That hound looked over at the sense with Ty and the one that attacked me. I scrambled away, knowing what was going to happen next. The Ty moved just one step closer and the other hound pounced on Ty. Ty started shaking back and forth to get the other one off him. Once he did, the hound that attacked Wilson jumped on him instead. Ty then got out from under him and grabbed that one by the neck in his mouth, making that hound whimper and cry. Ty then throw him across the ground so the two hounds were now next to each other. The two hounds that the sides came at Ty at the same time, both of them gang banging him. Ty then shook them off by running in a brief circle and whacking them with his big paws, he's claws out. They then scampered backwards a bit, growling with there teeth out for show. One of them foaming at the mouth. Then the one that attacked me jumped at Ty's throat, but misses from Ty dodging, leading to Ty biting down on the hounds back hard. I could see the hounds blood start to pour out of his back. Ty then throw that one against a tree, leaving it motionless and stiff. They other hounds now scared started scampering away, into the wood from where they came. All I could do was watch, I was frightened and shaking. So frightened that I didn't even notice that Wilson had crawled over and held me close. Ty was panting and panting, he was also slightly quivering as he slowly looked back at us. I saw that there was relief in his eyes and a bit of happiness as well. He then fully turned around and slowly tried to walk over to us. Me still being in shock, couldn't move an inch and neither could Wilson. Once Ty reached us he stopped and looked at us with very concerned and worried eyes as he tiredly looked to see if we were all right. Ty was so close that I could see every detail in he's fur, to the blood staining his fangs and lips. When he finally saw that we were both all right he gave me the happiest eyes I've ever seen and he collapsed on to the ground. Finally coming to my senses I move over to him and try to move him. "T-Ty?" He was still breathing, but very weakly. I started to panic. Wilson soon after, snapped out of it and stood up walking over to me. "I'll go grab some rags and honey to clean the wounds on him. I'll be right back." I nodded and looked for all of Ty's wounds. He had a few scratches here and there, but he had a huge bite mark on the back of his neck, that looked very very deep. "Hold on Ty! Just hold on!"
A/N- hey guys, how's it going? Did you like this chapter? I hope so. Sorry I didn't update sooner, I was planing too, but it deleted it's self soooo I had to rewrite it. I really was going to post this way sooner tho. But anyways, hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next cheaper! Bye. Wolfy loves you!!

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