Well Someone's Having A Hissy Fit

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Chapter 5- Well Someone's Having A Hissy Fit

Third Person P.O.V.

Flashback 1901

          Juliet and Klaus weren't a couple. They didn't do the jealously thing. They just slept together and traveled.

          It wasn't that they didn't want to. It's just that all they wanted was to be friends with benefits. To not put a label on anything.

          They were in the Windy City this time. Klaus was famous here for being the big bad Original. Juliet was there with him. But she was feared because she was with Nicklaus Mikaelson. Not because she was older than him by one thousand years. No one knew anything of her past. Those who knew or found out— died.

          The two friends walked into the crowded pub, his arm around slung around her waist. People saw them and smiled, but it was fake. All the boys hated him for having her and all the girls hated her for having him. The power they had made most people tremble in fear for what they could do.

          But people were very aware of vampires in Chicago. They were compelled not to do anything about it. They might have vervain, stakes, and fire, but Klaus and Juliet cannot be killed. People have tried, but have failed.

          A fast jazz song was being played and people were dancing with their partners. Juliet shrugged out of her long trench coat and handed it over to the coat taker. She didn't have to look back to know Klaus was following her. They sat at the table across from each other, in a far corner. Never once did anyone approach them in fear they would be killed.

          "So tell me more about your daggered family." Juliet asked.

          He could only talk to her about it. He knew that she wouldn't betray him. They made the secret exchanging into a game. He told a secret, she told a secret. It was fair. And they trusted each other.

          "I daggered Kol about a century ago. Elijah thirty years ago. Rebekah was daggered a couple of years ago when she decided to dig too deep on family history. Finn has been daggered for eight hundred years." The look on her face told him she was impressed.  "Tell me about your brother." Klaus asked. Juliet smiled and nodded.

          "My brother only wanted to be immortal. No exceptions. He turned to a witch that went by the name of Qetsiyah. She helped him create an immortality spell. Once you drink it and die with it in your system, you become immortal. Silas drank it, but he played Qetsiyah. He told her he loved her, but all he wanted was her help. Before he could give it to his true love, Qetsiyah killed her. So he was then turned to stone and placed at an undocumented location where he has been for two thousand years. Starving." Juliet smiled as she retold the story of her brother.

          "I thought you said he was a witch?" Klaus inquired. Juliet nodded.

          "He was. Be he wasn't powerful enough by himself to make the immortality spell." Juliet recalled.

          "Well," Klaus held his glass up. "Here's to complicated family history." They drank to the toast.


          Walking into the Original's home, it wasn't what Juliet expected. The house was small and reeked of wolf. Her heightened senses told her there was another werewolf in this house aside from Klaus.

          "Welcome to our pretend home. Marcel took ours so we must make do with this." Juliet smiled as Klaus ranted. She looked around as he gave her a tour. Deep brown floor with eggshell white walls.

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