Chapter 17: Happiness

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Little feet running.

I hear the squeak as they slide across the hard wood floor.


I watch as my little girl is whispering in her fathers ear. She looks like she will burst with her excitement.

"Daddy!" She's on the bed. Shaking Hux until he groans.

"What baby? Daddy wants to sleep a little longer."

I'm watching from the doorway. I have a tray in my hands.

She's jumping on the bed now, barely jostling get him. "Daddy! Wake up! I made you a surprise!" She's adorable, our little girl.

The jumping continues and Hux turns to glare at her before pouncing.

"Ahhhhh! Mommy help me!" I watch in amazement as he pulls her down to snuggle up. She's five now and so beautiful. She has my honey brown curls framing her face in a giant tangle.

"So what is this surprise, hmmmm?" He's tickling her. She squealing and laughing.

"I made you breakfast daddy! All in my own! Well mommy helped me a wittle." She's holding her tiny fingers up in a pinching gesture to represent this.

I walk over, my skirt sweeping on the ground. My hair is pulled back with a soft bandana. It's not black anymore, but my curls have always been hard to tame.

"Banana-nut pancakes are your favorite. Right daddy?" She gleaming at me, her eyes twinkling. I set the tray in the bedside table and climb into bed on her other side, encasing our girl between us.

"Mmm. Yes they are. Thank you baby." He's kissing her forehead, grasping my hand.

I smile his way and we continues to enjoy Posy's homemade breakfast until I have to leave for work.

"Bye mommy! We will miss you!" I'm smiling as I walk out. I only have two patients today.

I'm itching for a cigarette on the way there. After Posy was born I was under a lot of stress and it started back up, my dirty habit.

I can't do that now though, not with our second one on the way. I haven't told Hux yet, but Posy knows. I wonder if she's spilled the beans since I left.


I'm on my way home now, done for the day and I pass a few pack members on the way to our little abode. They don't treat me like the pack whore now. They don't look at me with disgust in their eyes anymore.

I'm almost home when I see Hux and Posy heading my way in the path. They are picking the lavender we planted a while back.

"Mommy!" Little arms are around my legs. I pick her up and swing her around.

"Did you tell daddy our secret yet?" I whisper for her ears, but I know he's heard me.

"What secret is this?" Hux is beside us now.

"Mommy's having another baby!" Posy can't stay quiet now. She's too happy for that and I'm laughing.

"Another baby?" He's questioning me now. We've been trying for a few years now with no luck.

"Yea! A baby brother or sister just for me! Now I can tell Tal and Nixy that I'm gonna have a sibling too!" She's so happy about this. They always brag to her that they aren't an only child, now she can brag too.

His smile takes up his whole face. It shows in his eyes. He's brings us in for a hug and kisses both our cheeks.

"That's so great baby." He's laughing, tears in his eyes.

"I have another secret too." I say this with a gleaming smile.

"What's that mama!?"

"I'm having twins."

"Wow! Now I'm gonna have two siblings!" She kicks to be let down.

I put her down and she's rushing away, running towards her cousins. I let her. She is safe in this pack.

Large arms enfold me. Kisses are softly trailing over my neck, my shoulder, my temple. "You're amazing Bee."

I let my lips find his and attach themselves. He's lifting me up and carrying. Me until we reach our room.

I'm on my back, my bottom hanging off the edge of the bed. Hux is standing between my thighs, lavishing my swollen breasts with his wicked tongue.

He's always so gentle with me, like I'm glass. He doesn't want to bring up bad memories, but I know that won't happen. How could it, when I have such a loving mate between my thighs, in my mind, my skin.

I'm biting, nipping at him, trying to make him roughen up. It works a little bit. He's bring my nipple and I'm keening in pleasurable joy. "Mmmmmm." My moans ring clearly in the space of our love den.

My skirt is bunched up my thighs until I'm bare for his eyes to see. Love is pouring into me, through me as he enters in a swift movement, pounding in and out harshly.

He's never taken me so roughly before, but I press on with my wants and needs until we are both satiated in each others' arms exhausted.

Fingers brush my hair back, my bandana long gone. Lips press to my head. Words of endearment whispered for my ears alone.

I can't believe I have such a beautiful family now. I can't believe what has been given to me after so much was taken away due to my own choices.

Life has finally turned out well for me. It has given me the only man I have ever loved. It has blessed me with my beautiful daughter, the pups I have stirring in my belly now.

I'm not sure I could be any happier, but I breath in the scent of my male and realize that's not true. Everyday that I am with this male I am happier than the day before. I clutch on to this joy, this life I love so dearly and vow to never let it go again.

The End

Thanks to all the reads and votes. I may start a new series soon, I'm still working out there details, but I hope you all get a chance to check it out. 💋

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