Chapter 16: Loss

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Fluttering lashes.

A baby screaming in hunger.

I try to unstick the glue that seems to hold my eyes shut. I feel sucking. The screaming stops.

"When will she wake up?" I feel Hux by my side. I feel a small weight on my chest.

"There's no way to tell." An unfamiliar voice graces my ears. A woman. I wonder who she is.

It's quiet for a while now and the sucking has stopped. The weight on my chest has lifted and I can already feel the numb loss that has settled within my belly.

"Take care of the little one. She's smaller than she should be at this stage. Your mate is stable for now and that is something to be glad for." The voice seems farther away and then her presence is gone altogether.

I hear a baby crying, burping. Is that my baby? My Posy?

"I love you already." Whispered words for tiny ears that can't comprehend them as of yet.

I feel at peace knowing Hux is with her, caring for her in my stead.

I drift off into the welcoming darkness.


Screaming. A baby is screaming, pulling me out of the dark pit, out of the deep slumber my body has me bound to.

I try to reach out, but my limbs are heavy, weighted. My eyes try to open, but clamp shut soon after. The light is blinding.

"It's okay Mariposa. Your mommy is right here. She's not going anywhere."


He sounds so lost, his voice full of loss and hope. He seems like he's trying to convince himself of that statement more than Posy.

My eyes flutter again. They stay open longer this time. He doesn't see me watching him. He doesn't see my eyes roaming over his hulking form.

He's rocking my baby, his daughter. He's trying so hard to calm her down. He has her wrapped up tight and he looks like he might cry.

He has a bottle to the side. Someone must have pumped my breasts, or maybe my milk has dried up by now. Maybe that is Wrenley's milk.

I close my eyes again.

Posy isn't crying now. She has her daddy taking care of her. Now I want to cry. I never thought he would take to her so quickly. I never thought he would love her so soon. It makes my heart happy. It makes me smile. I can feel the corners of my lips twisting up.

Monitors are beeping now. Hux has gone to find someone.

I feel hands on me, roving over my flesh, checking my vitals.

"I think she's fine."

"Fine? She's been asleep for a week now. Do you call that fine?" Anger is seeping into me through our bond and the beeping quickens.

"Huxley." His name, spoken with pure patience. "Her body is recuperating. It has been under a great deal of stress. You need to be patient."

"What if she never wakes up?" He's scared now and posy is crying again, no doubt feeding off of his frantic energy.

"She will." I like this women. I like her confidence.

Hux doesn't say anything else and the women leaves. I can't stay awake much longer, so I let the dark abyss take me again.


Gentle touches

Small caresses

My skin is tingling in happiness.

"Please wake up. Please." Hux is begging me. I can feel his fear, his anger, his overwhelming grief.

My arms seem less heavy now. I don't open my eyes, but I slowly squeeze the hand in mine. I try to reassure him. I try to tell him how much I love him. I try to push everything through to him with this one gesture.

"Beatrix?" He rarely ever calls me my full name. That's how I know how upset he's been, how serious he is.

I don't think I can talk. I don't think my lips could form words. They are glued shut.


I try to push this thought into his mind and hope he receives it. I don't have a lot of strength right now.

A straw is between my lips. My caring mate. I suck and drag the water into my mouth. I quench my thirst hungrily until I'm sucking on air.

The straw is gone. Hands are holding my cheeks, brushing my hair to the side. He's eager for me to open my eyes, to look at him.

I squeeze them tightly, trying to shake the sleep from my vision. He comes into a blurry focus and I try to smile at him.

"I thought I lost you Bee." His eyes say it all. They tell me everything I need to know.

"I love you." My first words. My voice is raspy.

His smile is genuine, his eyes are glistening. "I love you too."

I'm not sure if I should ask, but I want to know. "Posy..." I wonder if it was all a dream. I wonder if I lost her.

"She's perfect." His smile is gleaming brightly now. I feel my eyes start to water.

"How long was I..." I don't need to finish.

"Almost two weeks."

"How as she been..."

He takes my hands. Kisses my fingers. "Don't worry mommy. I've taken care of everything." He's easing my worries.

"I want to hold her. I want to see her please?" I'm asking him this, pleading with him.

"You don't need to ask honey bee. She's our daughter. Of course you can see her."

Suddenly a tiny little form is in my chest, so beautiful, wrapped in tons of blankets. I almost laugh at the bulk the blankets have given her.

I lean down to kiss her forehead. My stomach is still sore. A reminder of what I almost lost. I reach my hand up weakly to brush the little curls on her head, so soft.

Her little lips are sucking and Hux has to help me adjust, he has to help me hold her as I attempt my first feed. I feel clumsy, embarrassed, but Hux is looking at us both with so much love.

She doesn't look a thing like her biological father, of that I am grateful. I won't have to stare into his face. I won't have to resent this tiny little baby. I can give her my full love.

"I'm tired."

"Go back to sleep love." A kiss to my forehead, another to Posy's. He doesn't try to take her from me. He lets us both dose off, snuggled up tight.

I'm so lucky to have this man, lucky that I didn't lose him for good all those years ago.

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