Chapter 14: Bunch of flowers

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I'm searching for Wrenley. I'm having doubts and I know she's a good mother. I know I'm a doctor, but knowing the facts doesn't prepare you for the real thing.

I find her in her room. The room she shares with Nox.

I knock on the door and she opens it. She doesn't grimace at me and I try to have a friendly look on my face.

"Can we talk?" I can tell I look nervous. Mariposa can feel it too, because she's been giving me some pretty hard kicks since this morning.

I rub my stomach as Wrenley leads me to the large couch in their room. I sit slowly and hope she will be nice enough to help me back up.

She has the baby bassinets at the end of the bed. One baby is gurgling and chewing on his toes and the other is sound asleep.

She sits on the bench across from me. "What's wrong?"

Do I look that bad? "What am I going to do?" I ask instead.

She seems surprised. I'm not sure if it's because I'm asking her for advice or because I'm actually talking to her. "What are you going to do about your baby?"

I just nod.

She seems in thought for a long while. "Do you want to keep it?" I nod again. I want to speak as little as possible to this female that I started off on the wrong foot with.

She thinks a while longer and then gasps. She's touching my arm in concern, my belly in concern. "Is Huxley pressuring you to give it away?"

I'm startled. "No he... He wants to be the father." I brush her fingers away from me. She doesn't seem too put off.

"Thank god. I thought he was mistreating you." I don't understand why she's so concerned, but then I guess I'm carrying her sort of niece.

She doesn't say anything for a while and I start to get doubly nervous and awkward, so I fill the space with words and questions and hope for happy answers. "Will.... The pack accept her? Do you think they will bring up the circumstances of her heritage? What if she comes out looking like Reed?" I'm stressing myself out and Mari is kicking and kicking.

Ignoring me, she rubs my back soothingly. She really seems like a caring Luna in this moment. "You don't need to worry about that. I promise you. That child? This child?" She says looking at my belly. "This child is Huxley's. He said so himself and if anyone goes out of line it's safe to say they won't be alive to do it again."

She seems so sure. I wish I had her confidence, her beauty. I wish I didn't have such a dark past hanging over me like a storm cloud.

She doesn't say anything else after that because Talon is screaming his little lungs out and she picks him up for a feeding before he wakes his sister.

I don't want to stare. I don't want to see how am her should be. I don't want to compare myself to the type of mother she is, so I leave.

This time I'm not really looking for anyone as I waddle around. I watch the flowers on the trail back to the clinic. They are barely clinging to life. I can't stop myself from imagining that that's how my life used to be, except I wasn't clinging at all to life. I was clinging to a man. The man that brings me life. My life bringer.

I see him when I pass the clinic. That women is there and they look like they are arguing beside his truck. I try to slow down and listen in for a while before they notice I'm here.

"Why won't you meet me anymore Huxy? I keep calling you and you ignore them! I keep texting you and you ignore those as well! You told me you wanted to be with me! Why can't we be together?!" She's leaning towards him and he's backing up, but she has him trapped.

I'm starting to feel anxious now. Will he push her away? Does he want to be with her? How long ago did he start to 'ignore' her? My mind is spinning and I feel sick. Mariposa is kicking me hard in the ribs and I feel tears in my eyes.

"I have a mate now. Someone I really care about. I gave you a chance, but my heart has always belonged to her. I wouldn't be able to fully give myself to you and that wouldn't be fair." He's trying to be reasonable, but her eyes look crazed.

I waddle up behind her. "What's going on Hux? I have my purse with me, a weapon if need be.

He maneuvers around her quickly while she is distracted and comes around to kiss my cheek. "Nothing Honey Bee. I was just telling Ellie here to be on her way.

She huffs and glares at me. Mariposa is squirming around inside me with so much force that I have to grab onto Huxley's shoulder for support as I bend over.

My breathe is quickening and I feel a warmth seeping out between my thighs. I'm scared. The doctor that is going to deliver my pup isn't supposed to arrive until next week at the earliest.

I can feel Hux's anxiety seeping into me and it's only making it worse. I feel so helpless and that girl is still here. I just want to be away from her. I want to be away from the sickening scent she permits.

I think she is the one that is killing the flowers, not the weather.

"Bee? Bee? What's going on? Your bleeding!" I feel my vision start to wade out. It's fuzzy and I'm starting to fall.

It's quiet now and I can see Hux. He looks like he's yelling and I want to help him, but I'm losing focus. I'm numb.

Is Mariposa okay? She's not moving anymore. I can't feel her. I can't move.

I can tell I'm being lifted. I can feel the upset permeating the air and my head looks back.

The last thing I see is a bunch a flowers. There's lavender there, along with a patch of  lilies.

"Posy." I'm not sure if it quite passes my lips, but I want him to know. I want him to call her Posy.

And then everything's black, an endless tunnel of obsidian fear that pulls me under and drowns me.

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