Chapter 3: Red

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Reed is in the usual spot near the willow tree. That way I can see Lillian and think of her instead of Huxley.

"Fighting or fucking?" Straight to the point, this male wolf is.

"Fighting." Can you call a beating a fight?

"You're dressed extra slutty today. Are you sure we're only fighting?" He's stalking around me in a circle. My green and yellow bruises are on full display. I'm wearing a pair of daisy Dukes and a crop top today, baring my midriff.

I don't bother with an answer and the first thing I feel is a harsh punch to the gut. Next I'm backhanded across the face, similar to our last meet. I taste blood in my mouth, spit it on the ground, stare at the almost black red that's mixing into the earth.

He slams me into the ground now, on my belly, scraping me as he punches into my body, only bruising.

"Please." I'm whimpering now. This isn't enough. I need to bleed now. I want to be black and blue and red this time.

He doesn't understand me. He's still only bruising me as I'm flipped over, my back slamming the breath out of me as he continues his assault.

"Blood. Make me bleed. Break me. Don't hold back this time." It's the anniversary after all. Another half year gone without him. I need to suffer more for this day.

"Fine. If that's what you want you hussy." I don't remark as I scream my agony when he hauls back and punches me across the jaw. My lip is bleeding now, I can taste the metallic tinge.

My ribs are broken and I'm gasping out my pain. I don't hurt on the inside at this moment, but there's not enough red. I voice this and his claws extend before I'm shoved to my knees once again and my hands are against the tree, the bark scraping them raw.

His claws rake down my back, down my sides, bringing the sweet smell of my blood to the surface. I'm crying now, at the pain that's only on the outside. It's freeing to not have to think beyond this physical pain.

He continues to claw me up everywhere, my arms, my stomach, the back of my thighs and I can see the blood spilling into the ground I'm kneeling on, all red.

I notice the moment this changes. The air around us thickens and he's yanking at my buttons to my pants as I yell out my protests, but I have no strength protect myself against him. I've wasted away and not caring for myself is biting me in the ass now.

My shorts are eventually clawed off, he's inpatient and I'm crying in earnest now. This isn't what I bargained for.

My shorts are dropped to my knees, resting against the blood I've already spilled. My panties are gone with the swipe of a claw and I'm screaming at him to stop, but he won't.

"You wanted to be beaten didn't you? I'm gonna beat your püssy too." He growls in my ear. His claws are on my bare breasts, my bra history. My small chest is bleeding now, my nipples are raw and he's pinching then between claws, piercing them.

I just watch the blood spill, I watch the red and try not to scream. I don't want anyone to see me like this. His bare cöck is at my entrance, no wetness because this isn't what I want, but he pays that no mind as he pulls a hand back to drag it through my blood, soaking my entrance in it, readying me with it. I'm disgusted. I want to puke and I do when he jerks into me, tearing through my unused muscles and searing my flesh on the inside.

My claws are extended as he continuously thrusts his cöck into me with so much force that my broken ribs feel like they are scratching me on the inside, searing my insides in pain.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I'm screaming again, puking again, gashing my hand on the tree bark.

"Don't act like you don't like this. You love being beat. You were begging for it you know." He's rough with me and I think I'm actually bleeding from the inside now because I can feel him scraping my insides dry.

I don't say anything anymore. I guess I deserved this, because no one comes to save me and he's spilling inside me, no protection used.

Afterwards I just lay there and cry my pain out to the world. I'm numb down below, my ribs are still scraping and my lip is puffed up and sore, but he won't leave.

"Is this what you wanted Trixy? You wanted to be beaten black and blue all over! That's what you said isn't it? I figured I might as well beat your püssy back and blue as well." I don't look at him. I just let my tears fall under this willow. I touch the place that Lilly is buried and try to pretend I'm not here.

"Just leave." My voice is hoarse and it grades against my vocal cords on the way out.

"Leave? You asked for this! Don't try to act like the damsel in distress now! You've asked me to fight you, to beat you now for weeks! For a few months now really!" I know he wants to say more but I tune him out and then suddenly I don't hear him anymore as a large body catapults towards him.

The wind blows. I smell a scent I haven't smelt in 3 and 1/2 years and I don't know what happens next, because I'm transported back to a time when red was the color of my heart instead of the black it feels now.

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