Chapter 13

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Bobby's POV

When we arrived at the hospital, Arlene and I both got out of the car and walked to the building as fast as possible without looking like weirdos. The nurse took us to Mom's room, and when we came in, Dad and Candice were in there.

"Hey, Mom, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"You guys can come in, you know. And I am fine, it's not like I'm in labor." Mom laughed. Arlene and I glanced at each other and grinned. I wonder if she was thinking about how much of a coincidence it is that Mom said that, too.

"Woah, woah, woah! Has anyone else noticed how Bobby and Arlene are holding hands?" Candice pointed out. You could feel the awkwardness in the air. Arlene let go of my hand and took a step to the right, away from me.

"What? We're not holding hands." I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my head.

"Let's not embarrass them," Mom paused suspiciously and I got nervous, "yet." We all laughed.

"Well, come on, what gender?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!" Mom laughed.

"Are you serious? We have to wait for like nine months?" Arlene raised her eyebrows.

"Yep!" Mom laughed again. I didn't find this amusing. I wish Mom didn't want it to be a surprise.

"Well, if you're done being checked out and everything, can we leave?" Arlene asked, clearly impatient.

"Yes," Dad laughed. "She was done being checked out a few minutes ago."

"Well, then let's go! Kids in the cool car, parents in the lame car!" I said, acting like a child. Arlene, Candice, and I all ran out to my car and drove off. We were trying to beat Mom and Dad home, and we succeeded.

Mom and Dad went to bed, so us kids decided to watch a movie. I made popcorn while Arlene and Candice picked out the movie.

"Have you guys ever watched the movie, "New Hope," on Netflix?" Arlene asked.

"No," Candice replied.

"It's a Christian movie. Let's watch it." Arlene said.

"Sounds good!" Candice agreed. After about five minutes, the girls were getting impatient with me.

"Bobby, hurry it up with the popcorn!" Candice yelled.

"Seriously!" Arlene said.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I walked into the living room with a large bowl of popcorn. The popcorn, surprisingly, lasted until the movie was over.

So we had a popcorn war. Popcorn was flying everywhere, and laughter filled the room. I'm sure Mom and Dad were exhausted from all of our noise.

"Candice, stop pelting me with popcorn! I'm on your team!" Bobby said.

"Nuh uh, it's girls against boys!" Candice argued while giggling.

"I'm tired of being hit in the face. Let's do something else." Arlene suggested. It was past two in the morning. We still weren't tired, and there was STILL popcorn. Arlene threw a piece in the air and caught it with her mouth. "I didn't even know I could do that." she laughed. Candice and I kept trying to do the same thing, but failed miserable every time.

Soon, Mom and Dad came downstairs and told us it was time to go to sleep. My guess is they weren't getting any sleep at all.

We all brushed our teeth and went to our rooms. Dad came into my room and sat on the bed. I sat beside him.

"Am I in trouble?" I laughed.

"No, no, I just wanted to ask you something." Dad said suspiciously. I was nervous. I mean, who wouldn't be when one of their parents say they want to ask you something?

"Uh, okay,"

"Are you and Arlene boyfriend and girlfriend?" he asked, catching me off guard. I grinned.

"No. We're engaged." I replied, with no sarcasm in my voice whatsoever. Dad stood up. "I'm kidding." I laughed. Dad lightened up and sat back down.

"So you are dating?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Did you kiss her?" Dad asked. How did he know?

"Yes, Dad, and before you say anything, I know I'm not allowed to. But I'm seventeen and I'm not a girl, so I shouldn't be treated like everything is off limits. You know I'm a Christian and I strive to be like God, and you know I wouldn't do anything wrong. Just because you have a daughter doesn't mean I am your daughter. You and Mom treat me like I'm a girl. It's so, so, what's the word? Oh yeah, annoying." Wow. None of that was supposed to come out, but I'm kind of glad it did. You have to admit it, they did treat me like a girl.

"Your Mom and I trust you, Bobby," Dad said and left.

Arlene's POV

Tonight was the best night of my life. Almost everything on my bucketlist was checked off. I made a bucketlist when I ran away. I thought when I came back I would have most of the things checked off, and it sounded like a fun idea.

Go on an adventure. Check.

See Oliver again. Check.

Make new friends. Check.

Start a relationship. Check. (Checked recently; very, very recently)

Dedicate life to Christ again. Check.

Watch a Christian movie. Check.

Love a guy who loves God. Check.

Try zucchini. Sadly, check.

Try potato salad. Again I say, sadly, check.

Apply for a job. Check.

Memorize another Bible verse. Check.

Be happy again. Check.

See parents again.

The only thing left unchecked was the thing I never wanted to do.

It's meeeeeeee!
How are you liking the cliffhanger? XD Do you think Arlene is going to see her parents, or do you think she will leave that unchecked? Thanks for reading! God Bless you always!

P.S. Sorry for the short chapter :p

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