Chapter 5

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Bobby loves me? Why me, of all people? I'm not that pretty. Sure, my eyes are a nice ocean blue color that could remind someone of the beach, and my hair is long and brown and stuff, but those are my only good features. My eyes and my hair. Who am I kidding anyways? Bobby's too handsome for me. He's too nice for me. He's too everything for me! I was majorly crushing over a guy I barely knew. There was just something about him that made me happy. I had to know if he liked me so I could be happy. I liked him, and if he liked me, we might become an item, and I'd be happy for once. I don't know what I'm thinking. No one could ever like me. Ever.

I made a decision. A decision I would probably regret after doing it.

"Bobby, come in here please." I hollered loud enough for him to hear me through the door. The door cracked open and Bobby came in.

"Yeah?" he asked, sitting down on the bed.

"So, before I fell out unconsciously, and this is dumb because no one would ever say this to me, but did you by any chance tell me," I paused, regretting ever saying any of that. "that you love me?" He sighed heavily.

"Yes," he replied, looking at me with regret, "I told you I loved you."

"But-, but why?" I tilted my head.

"Because I love you. Isn't it obvious? There's just something about you." he replied. He looked embarrassed.

"Something about me? There's just something about you that makes me, well, I don't know, happy. It's weird, and I can't really figure anything out anymore, but you." I can't believe all of that just came out...

"But me?" he questioned.

"But you!" Bobby rolled his eyes and grinned then started leaving. I stopped him.

"Oh, and, Bobby,"


"I love you too." I grinned and he left the room.

Bobby's POV

She loves me. Arlene Allen loves me! Of all people, she loves me!


She loves me, and she always says good things about me, but she says mean things about herself. Does that mean she doesn't love herself, who she's known - been - her whole life, but she loves me, who she's only known for about two days? That's whack. Yeah, she has depression and all, but she doesn't love herself. I didn't know for sure, but she doesn't act like she does. All that matters is that I love her, and she loves me.

I slapped my forehead.

"No, stupid!" I exclaimed quietly to myself.

What matters right now is that she doesn't love herself. Why would she not love herself? She's, well, perfect. Who couldn't love Arlene?

Arlene's POV

I was out of the hospital, and it was Sunday, five-thirty in the evening. I had agreed to go to Church with the Davis'. I don't know why, when I didn't even believe in God. I was an atheist, as bad as that sounds. I guess because it was them, and they were like family to me already. Well, not family, but close friends. Very close friends.

"Arlene, we have to leave in ten minutes. You almost ready?" Candice hollered through the other side of the door.

"I'm ready." I came out and spun around, like I always did when I was showing someone my outfit. I was wearing the navy blue shirt I bought with a long, navy blue and white striped skirt.

"That outfit is adorable on you!" Candice hugged me like I just graduated or something. I slightly laughed.

"Thank you, Candice." I hugged her back. We went downstairs, and oh, how perfect. Oliver was there again.

"I didn't know you were having him over again?" I looked at Mrs. Davis, who knew Oliver was my ex, with a look as if I was staring a hole through her.

"I didn't know we were having him either, but neighbors are always welcome." she twitched her lips.

"Oh, okay." I looked down. This was bad. Really, really bad.

"I guess I should go." Oliver laughed awkwardly and left before Mrs. Davis could stop him.

Oliver's POV

That was so strange. Never had I seen anyone look so lost in their own home before. I recognized her, and I had a feeling I knew her from somewhere. Not from her hiding in my bushes, but from somewhere else. Then it hit me like a tide from the ocean. All of my feelings came falling out. She was my girlfriend, and I treated her like I didn't know her. I must've hurt her so bad!

Wait, she's back?


I was one hundred percent sure that was Arlene, my ex girlfriend. She broke up with me and ran away, because her parents were abusive. Maybe that wasn't her home, maybe she was still lost and depressed like she used to be, maybe she was still the same self conscious, lost Arlene I had always known, until she said she wouldn't come back until I had forgotten her, and I really did forget her. I remembered all of the things we promised each other before she left, before we saw each other for the last time. I was ashamed...of the promises I didn't keep...of letting her go...of forgetting her. Honestly, I was ashamed I ever dated her...

Bobby's POV

"Yeah, she's been staying with us for a few days, and we got her to come to Church." I was telling my best friend, Jacob, about Arlene. We were watching my mom introduce her to the whole Church, while she was rubbing her arm like she was embarrassed and blushing.

"You didn't tell me she was hot!" Jacob opened his eyes wider.

"You have no respect for women, do you?" I squinted at him.

"I'm gonna ask her out. Wish me luck." he punched my arm.

"Wait, no, Jacob!" but I was too late. He had already walked over to her. My chance with ever being her boyfriend was gone. Especially with this player trying to play Arlene, MY CRUSH, like a basketball. I don't know why I ever became this guy's best friend.

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