Cold Case

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Cold as the ice in the freezer is her heart. It beats now. Thud, thud, thud against her chest. Pumps blood that should be warm, but it is now liquid nitrogen. She screams as the cold rushes through her body, flailing. Swinging. Convulsing.

She runs downt the hall, chasing his shadows. Black. Twisting.


Feet drag, knees lock, hips sway, arms swing. Her heart is still cold. Cold as the icy water on the floor of the kitchen. Thud, thud...thud...thud...silence...Nothing now.

"What the hell?" She knows his heart is now still, never agin to pump blood through his body.

She also knows his mistress. His love thing, an overrated sexual object. She brings nothing but ecstasy for him and anger for her. If only she kept her legs closed, her lover may not have to be choking on his own blood. Pity.

Anger hits her like a wall. Slam! Slam! Thud! THUD! Thud, Anger. Thud...thud..thud..thud,thud,thud,thud thudthudthudthud...THUD. 

Flashback: she sits in the kitchen in a sweatshirt and nothing else. She sees the tasteless toxin, and in an absent mind pours it into an icy glass. Condensation on the glass, frosting the outside, like the  liquid nitrogen encasing her careless heart.

He sips, she looks in hesitant joy, an evil smile slicing across her face. He sips again, noticing nohthing except the blood trickling down his nose, and the blood racing up his throat. "What the hell?!" He screams when he excretes blood violently. He looks up, sees her there, smiling as she walks towards him.

What an ice queen she came to be. Bringing a hail storm she saw fit for him. He saw an angel of death taking him away. No beautiful paradise, only a twisted monster. A cold, icy monster as frosty as thecondensation on the glass on the floor.

Thud, thud...thud...thud...thud...silence...silence...Nothing now. 

Northing but a cold case on the floor.

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