Tattered Opinions

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The cold hug of the icy ocean, dragging him down under easily. No. Wait, he can't go yet. He has to suffer first. Yes. The sunlight glistening off the surface of the waves, slicing through, with sickening feelings of nausea. Beauty comes with a price here. Desperate, desperate, futile actions to save himself. Almost, not quite yet, but almost down under. His body growing weak, and fading blue. The saltiness of the sea dripping into his skin, sinking him into the bliss of eternal silence.

He never knew why it happened, but Fate was calling him into their gates, making it one step easier for him. A burial at sea. But nobody would really care, right? That's what he believes, what he truly believes. What he desires? To be free, no more pain. But he knew his wish was granted far more easily than he expected. Easy. To go away with the sea, wash with the waves, sink with the rocks. He never knew why he was different, but he will never find out now, because he's already rising, rising into the clouds, never to touch the land again.

With wings of light, and understanding why he went, he ascends, leaving behind his limp body, salty, and soggy flesh. He now knows why. His opinion was tampered, messed with, and destroyed. Like living in a coma, he builds his judgement based on wanting. He never knew why. Just went along with everybody else.

And now he looks to where that's gotten him.

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