for the first time in forever

8 0 1

it feels like it's been so long since I've written in here.

hi, how are you doing? I hope you've been well x

I'm uh- very busy at the moment ((panics))

between mini jobs, assignments over summer break, end of school, friends graduating, exercise, I just

it's hard to handle somedays!

so sorry there's nothing new coming out or updates every 5 seconds

I'm just a teen who's worrying about life after high school and powering through subjects I have this next year! (^:

but the main reason for this chapter was because I found another quiz thing? (more about me quiz?) idk those are fun to do and I swear I have billions in this book

but here we go

a - age

I'm currently 15!

b - biggest fear

losing someone I love

c - current time


d - drink you last had/are having

i had a swig of gatorade a couple minutes ago 

e - easiest person to talk to

I really don't talk to LOADS of people, but a friend I have in NY is easy to talk too!

f - favorite song

I'm going through a 'Hamilton' stage currently, so I'm going to have to say Satisfied by the Hamilton cast

g - ghosts, are they real?

I personally think so! some get lost and are stuck where they died I suppose

h - heritage

like, what's my ancestors thing? my mum is subtle mennonite tbh but (I don't claim myself as one, shh)

i - in love with

my stuffed animals, or like platonically in love with a lot of friends :^)

(I guess they skipped j??)
k - kissed someone

I was like grade 3, and it was with a gross boy a grade ahead of me

l - last time you cried

I nearly cried watching finding dory, but last time I cried was a week ago? it was because I was stressed and something happened at work /:

m - middle name

nicole ahaha

n - number of sibilings


o - one wish

to see my friend from amsterdam before I die

p - person you last called

probably my mum

q - question you're always asked

how are you? (cliche as fuck)

r - reason to smile

knowing there are people across the world who love me, being under a roof

s - song last sang

well I now have satisfied stuck in my head, but probably some song off the radio idk

t - time you woke up


u - underwear color (ok?? why??)

navy blue I guess

w - worst habit

picking my nails when I'm anxious

x - x-rays you've had

just one, and it was of my left hand to make sure I didn't break it

y - your favorite food

im currently loving apples and peanut butter I guess

z - zodiac sign

I'm a libra :^)

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