straight facts

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it's fact time

here we go

1) I have some days where I love my body and some days where I hate it

2) my favorite colors are blue red and black (and possibly yellow)

3) my favorite song at the moment is photograph by ed sheeran

4) ed sheeran is my baby *hisses*

5) artists I listen to a lot are; muse, ed sheeran, panic! at the disco, smallpool, five seconds of summer, fall out boy and a bunch of indie bands (including youtubers)

6) I'm deathly afraid of any bug (moths are the worst, same with flies)

7) I can't fall asleep without music on

8) I can't fall asleep without cuddling something

9) I used to have a rock collection (I used to wet the rocks to show their sparkles)

10) before I joined the youtube fandom I was a major twihard

11) I can't write heterosexual fanfics anymore because im so used to gay fanfiction

12) I'm called a bookworm a lot by family

13) I plan on dying my hair pastel pink this summer

14) if I had a choice if have a lip piercing and a second piercing on both of my ears

15) I tend to like short hair on myself rather than long hair

16) I'm pansexual :)

17) when I was younger all I used the internet for was girlsgogames and to play Barbie games #rebellife

18) I once made a facebook but my mom found out somehow and I've never felt the need to make an account

19) I've had the same email address since I was 9

20) I tend to always have a stuffed animal with me when I go to a sleepover (comfort object/cuddle buddy)

21) I'm 5'9"

22) I used to go outdoors a lot but since I've had a serious fear of bugs I tend to stay inside more

23) when I was 12? I broke my left arm by falling down (it happened in the summer -.-)

24) I'm 14- almost 15 years old

25) I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up :)

26) I'm a very smiley person

27) I've been in the YouTube fandom for 2-3 years now (it started with pewdiepie first, hence the melix fanfic)

28) I tend to wear guy clothes more than girl clothes

29) I believe half my brain is just song lyrics

30) music is a big part of my life :) (I wish I could create it though)

31) my favorite food varies between nutella, pizza, cookies, or strawberries :)))

32) some of my favorite tv shows include the walking dead and adventure time

33) if I could I would watch movies and tv shows all day long

34) some of my favorite movies include; big hero six, lucy, if I stay and jennifer's body

35) my childhood movies were; finding nemo and the little mermaid

36) ian, anthony, dan and phil are my sunshines :3 (my internet friends are too)

37) I have glow in the dark stars

38) when I was younger a local tv station showed some art work I sent them, which resulted in me earning a toque from the tv station (which I still have to this day!)

39) chris pratt is my other baby *hisses*

40) youtubers that I watch regularly are; smosh, danisnotonfire, and AmazingPhil

41) I used to watch lots of youtubers (shanedawsontv, zoella, pointlessblog, smosh games...) but I found myself devoting all my time to YouTube so I cut some youtubers out (Shane Dawson though has a close place to my heart (: )

42) I have some merch which includes; a black danisnotonfire and Amazing Phil shirt, two pewdiepie shirts (one brofist, one amnesia themed), a pewdiepie backpack and the smosh food battle 2013 nominees (also the amaZINEphil magazine :3)

43) I have a 3DS which I spend too much time on

44) my favorite types of books are horror, romance and manga

45) some of my favorite animes include; love stage!!!, the death note, black butler, and naruto

46) my favorite characters from the walking dead are rick, daryl and carl :333

47) my favorite sweets are maltesers and stroopwafles (spelling? idk dutch waffles)

48) I'm trying to get to 50 facts

49) I lOve plaid shirts

50) my phone screen is cracked to shit and I'm to cheap to replace it

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