Chapter 10- In The End, As You Fade Into The Night

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Here's the last chapter of Deserted With Zombies

I hope you liked it and I hope you read my next story to come c:


Austin's POV

San Francisco, CA

I hate walking. I never want to be on my feet ever again. Walking with Jack has to be the worst though. All he does is talk and talk and talk and he doesn’t even talk about good things. He talks about how a stripper gave him crabs and his mom had to buy him ointment and how he formed a band with his best friends and they broke up after two months because they were sick of playing in the garage.

“Oh my god! Alex!” Jack suddenly yelled, running towards a person sitting alone on a curb.

“Jack! What the fuck are you doing here?” The other person yelled. As they wrapped their arms around each other, I could tell that they were more than friends, and I was once again forever alone. Moments like this made me miss Gielle more than anything.

“Austin, get the fuck over here!” Jack yelled towards me.

“Maybe you guys could keep it down a bit. We’re still kind of in a zombie apocalypse,” I said, approaching Jack and the loner dude that was sitting on the curb.

“Austin, this is my best friend Alex,” Jack introduced, putting his arm around Alex’s shoulders.

“Friends” was probably not the word I would use to describe how they looked at each other, but whatever.

“Holy fuck, is that a bus?” Alex said, looking at a giant yellow bus driving down the road.

I started waving at the bus like crazy, and so did Alex. Jack just stood there with his thumb out – like that would make any difference.

The bus slowly came to a stop and the doors opened, revealing a twenty-something girl at the driver’s seat.

“Get in if you want to live,” she mumbled.

Without a second thought I ran into the bus, Jack and Alex trailing right behind me.

In the bus, it smelt like drugs and smelly teenagers. There were about seven people all spread out in the bus besides two people in the back, smoking pot.

“I’m Matt!” A British accent yelled from the bench closest to me.

Everyone introduced themselves as the bus started driving down the road.

“And that gorgeous slut up at the driver’s seat goes by the name of Lydia,” Matt explained, shooting Lydia a flirtatious wink. Seriously! What is with all of these couples? There’s like fifty on this bus alone!

“I need to pee,” Lydia yelled, pulling into a gas station parking lot. “Jaime, you fill the tank with gas,” she ordered before loading her gun and making her way out of the bus.

Jaime jogged to the front of the bus and began pumping gas into it. Everyone here was pretty laid back considering they were all teenage couples. I could see myself staying with them through this journey.

“Fuck!” We all heard Jaime yell from outside. It was followed by a loud thump and a groan.

“Jaime!” Vic yelled, running out of the bus. “No!” He yelled once he was outside. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to look at what was happening or if I just wanted to keep my eyes closed.

“Vic, you fucking idiot!” Kellin yelled, also running out of the bus when we heard a muffled scream.

Everyone was crowded around the windows, and some people were grabbing weapons. I covered my ears and closed my eyes. I didn’t want to know.

Putting aside my efforts of blocking out all sounds, I heard three gunshots. I looked up to see Lydia run back into the bus and close the doors behind her.

In the spur of the moment I looked out the window to see three familiar bodies lying lifelessly on the ground and a pack of about five zombies hovering over them.

I didn’t know them, so I didn’t know how to react, but obviously everyone else did. Tony was pacing the hall of the bus, and Mike and Oli had broken out into heart breaking sobs.

Jack and Alex looked confused as they looked at each other and back out the window at the scenery speeding behind us.

“You can’t just leave them!” Tony suddenly yelled. He almost charged towards Lydia but Matt grabbed him and held him down.

“They’re gone, Tone,” he whispered. “It’s ok.”

“It’s not fucking ok! I should’ve gone out there!” Tony yelled, tears stinging his eyes. He started crying into Matt’s chest and he just sat there, not sure what to do next.

“What are we supposed to do now?” Mike asked behind us, rubbing at his bloodshot eyes.

“What do you mean?” Matt asked.

“The lead characters died. That means that the story is over,” Mike exclaimed.

“What the fuck story are you talking about?” Oli asked, also rubbing his eyes.

“The story we’re in, of course.”

"We’re in a fucking zombie apocalypse, Mike,” Oli said, getting more and more confused.

I felt myself raise an eyebrow. I don’t think I’ve ever been as stoned as him in my entire life, so I have no idea what he’s talking about, I have no idea what he’s going through.

“Basically, Kellin and Vic were supposed to finish us with “we can make it through if we’re together” but now we’re left not knowing anything. They were the makers and the reason of this story. But know they’re gone, so the story’s over,” Mike explained, causing us all to get even more confused.

“Ignore him, he’s fucking stoned as fuck,” Lydia murmured from the front of the bus.

“Um, the gas unit is trailing behind us,” I finally said, looking at the spout still stuck in the gas tank, carrying a gas unit behind us.

"Oh fuck-” Lydia was cut off by a huge explosion, causing the bus to burn and causing everyone inside it to burn as well.

Two hours later

The muffled sounds of Nirvana being blasting through a cars speakers was the only thing you could hear from a mile away. Serena had seen enough these past few weeks to match an army officers time at war.

She took a sip of her Monster energy drink and felt the car bounce underneath her. These are some fucking powerful speed bumps, she thought as she put her drink down. She looked to the outskirts of the highway where there looked to be blown up pieces of bus. She decided to go against inspecting it closer and finally passed the speed bumps, speeding up to the exit towards her favourite amusement park.

Little did she know she just drove over the bodies of the makers of the story.

Deserted With Zombies [Kellic, OM&M, ATL, BMTH Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now