Chapter 3- Do It For Baltimore

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Jack's POV

Baltimore, Maryland

“And stay out!” My mother yelled, throwing my suitcase at me. She was kind of mad at me for being 22 years old and not having a job and not paying my half of the rent so she kicked me out.

I was still sitting on the sidewalk when I went into my wallet, looking for any money I had left. I figured if I combined what was left on my debit card and the change in my pocket I could buy myself a ticket somewhere far away from here.

Putting my suitcase over my shoulder, I made my way to nowhere in particular, just contemplating life and what to do with it. I could always get a job as a bartender or something. Apparently they make a lot of money.

My eyes travelled to the middle of the road. There were some sick teenagers humping each other. I remember when I used to do that in my old high school days. That was when I had the advantage of being in a band. That band unfortunately didn’t work out and now I’m homeless.

“Sickos!” I yelled towards the teenagers. One looked up at me, and I realized they were no ordinary teenagers humping each other in the middle of the road. The one that looked up at me had guts dripping from their teeth and there was a horrid stench radiating off of him.

It started limping towards me and I backed away until my back hit a fence. I was always the type to believe in the supernatural – and this was nothing different. This was the type A zombie.

I immediately bolted in the direction I was heading, and found myself running all the way to the airport. I bought the first ticket to the first flight available; to San Jose, California.

During the flight to California, I read my Walking Dead comic that was illegally downloaded onto my mom’s Kobo that I might’ve accidently stolen when she kicked me out.

And don’t worry, I’m not some sort of horrible monster that left their mother alone in a zombie apocalypse. I called her, and she told me to “stop spreading disgusting lies and get my ass in an employment office.” Being stuck in a zombie apocalypse is her problem, not mine.

Once the plane landed, I got my suitcase and made my way across San Jose. It was a really nice city, but Baltimore will always be my favourite.

I thought everything was going to be safe here and I could start my new career as a pole dancer, that was until I saw something moaning and limping towards me.

I ran away from that and started looking for any sort of humanity that I could trust. I saw someone stuffing alcohol in their trunk and I figured they were a good solution.

“And that’s how I know we are in the beginning of a zombie apocalypse,” I finally finished explaining to Austin, gladly taking another swig of beer.

Austin nodded slowly, taking on all of the information. “How did you know that those teenagers were zombies? They could’ve been cannibals,” he pointed out.

“Austin, there are no cannibals in Baltimore. I’m absolutely positive that it was a zombie eating another teenager and nothing will prove different. Do you want to survive or not?” I ranted, glaring at him.

“Well, of course I want to survive! Who do you think I am, some sort of suicidal guy who’s wife cheated on him? I don’t think so.” If we were going to get through the zombie apocalypse together, we definitely needed to work on his lying skills.

“Do you have any weapons?” I suddenly asked.

“No!” He yelled, defensively.

“Austin... chill. If you don’t have any weapons than we’re going to have to think of something because we can’t survive this without any weapons,” I explained, sighing at his defensive nature.

“Ok... I have a few,” he finally sighed in defeat and led me to his bedroom closet. He opened the closet door and grabbed a box from under a shoe rack. Once he opened the box, it exposed several handguns and ammo.

I beamed. “This is amazing! Where did you get all of this?” I asked, admiring the guns that I didn’t really know how to use. It couldn’t be that different from video games, right?

Austin shrugged. “My dad is a strong believer in staying safe at all costs.”

“Well, now I think it’s a good time to start packing. We’ll haul tons of food in your car and small amounts of clothes.”

“Wait, we’re leaving? You never said anything about leaving,” he said, closing the box and locking it before shoving it under his shoe rack again.

“We can’t stay here the whole time! Your apartment building will get infested and we won’t even be able to leave and then we’ll die slowly. We have to escape and do some research to find out where it’s safe, and what’s causing this,” I clarified.

"There’s hardly any out there, right now. I haven’t even seen any! Ever think you’re taking this a little too far? Maybe you just happened to see a few people with a bad case of the flu. I’m not about to go to all of these conclusions without even knowing if there’s actually a problem!”

I groaned. “Ok, I’ll leave and when zombies start infesting your apartment, don’t come crying to me.”

Deserted With Zombies [Kellic, OM&M, ATL, BMTH Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now