New Story Prologue

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This is however, a prologue to a story I might do some time during the summer. I have yet to decide a name, so suggestions are welcome!


It's so cold. I can feel it seeping into my bones, practically robbing me of my warmth. Edward left me. He doesn't love me. He said that I don't belong in his world. He doesn't want me. I could feel my magic seeping just beneath my skin, making feeble attempts to rid me of this all consuming cold. The last thing I saw was a man in the distance. A traditional vampire.

When I wake I am in a room, a very dusty room by the looks of it. There is a girl not far from me. On the sofa directly across actually. I can barely sense the magic simmering beneath her skin. She had been staring at me, but upon my waking, promptly averted her eyes. The cold had gone away some, but not completely. My body had already begun to suffer from withdrawal. It would most likely kill me, but I may survive. Yet, chances are low. I know I shouldn't have gotten involved with the Cullens, but for some reason, it was if I had been compelled to do so. I most likely had.

I can see a man and woman, the man radiating fear. They are talking about something. The man is obviously terrified, over this mysterious something. A pounding on the door snaps me out of my trance, and I follow the woman's retreating form with my eyes.

By now, all sleepiness has left my system, and I am fully alert. The other girl had begun pacing, clearly troubled by something. Well so am I! I mean seriously, I was kidnapped to!

When the woman returns, there is a man by her side. He promptly speeds over to the other girl, and does something really icky. He lent in as if he was gonna kiss her, and sniffed her neck. He soon draws to his full height and says a single word "Human." I take the time that he is still to fully assess him. He is fairly attractive. Brown hair, eyes, very tall, and wearing a suit. Yummy.

"It's impossible." He stated. The girl was shaking, fear pulsing from her. Then he turned to address little ole' me. "Hello there." Said the man that I now know as Elijah. The next thing I knew, he was in front of me, studying me as if one would pray. He then addressed my two captors

"Why did you bring her?"

"Well, we heard the stories, and hoped that you would want her too." The woman said, making futile attempts at appearing calm. He drops into a crouch in front of the chair that I am curled up on. Uugh. This chair is ickier than what he just did. But so is the rest of the house. Its crusty, dusty, and musty!

Looking into his eyes I could clearly see that he too has a large disgust for the condition of this house. He gradually stood from his crouch once he saw that I wasn't about to speak. He soon turned toward my captors, but only addressed the woman. He stated that she was pardoned for her crimes. He soon however, turned toward the man, eyes cold and unforgiving.

The man, who had foolishly assumed that he to had been pardoned for his crimes, began to express his joy. But at the wicked gleam in Elijah's eyes, I knew that only the woman would remain alive-ish by the end of this ordeal.

After some more blabbering, Elijah went up to the man, and slapped his head off. Under different circumstances, I would have died of laughter. But unknown to me, Elijah was gauging my reaction. When was done, he went to take my hand, and I was smart enough to not attempt to resist.

The other girl however, was apparently massively stupid. She brought up the moonstone, which peaked Elijah's interest greatly.

As he left my shaking form to walk up to the doppelganger, he attempted to ask her where the moonstone was, but she made a feeble albeit brave attempt to negotiate for her safety. Instead he attempted compelling her, when it didn't work, he tore off her necklace, and compelled her to inform him of the moonstone's whereabouts. Once he knew, he grabbed our wrists with one hand and proceed out of the abandoned mansion to his nice and shiny car.

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