The Admittance

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"Merci mon Cheri."

"Nice house."

"Nicest foreclosure in town."

"Come here."

"It's good to see you, Katherine."

"I hear you have been busy."

"Yes, I have. I've been busy making a deal with Klaus to save your life."


"Mmn its tasty. So what was with the surprise visit to the Gilbert house?"

"John told me Rick was dating Auntie Vanilla. I got jealous."

"You have obviously got John wrapped around your finger if he invited you in the house."

"He thinks I'm helping him protect Elena, so he's been very useful in keeping me informed on everything that's been going on."

"So tell me what you know."

"You were right I couldn't get anywhere near Klaus, but I found my way to someone in his trusted circle. One of his witches."

"Klaus and his witches."

"He said that Klaus is willing to grant you your freedom if we deliver the moonstone and the doppelganger."

"I can get the moonstone. But which doppelganger?"

"It doesn't matter, but you know Katherine, you'd be betraying your precious Salvatore boys again."

"I don't care; they're floundering"


     I had just finished giving the acceptance speech, when all of the sudden I hear a clatter, and Katherine comes and places her hand over my mouth, successfully knocking me unconscious.

   When I wake, I am in a van. The end destination is unknown, but I am in a van. I can see and hear Isobel on her phone with whom I presume is Katherine. Out of sheer stubbornness however, I refrain from exiting the vehicle until Isobel speaks. After her statement, I exit the vehicle and listen to whatever absurd claims come out of her mouth next. However, what she says, I can't help but want to believe. She claims that there is another doppelganger. According to her, her name is Isabella Swan, she lives in a small town called Forks, and goes by Bella. But what she does not know is the history of the Swan line. According to Bonnie, the Swan line is the most powerful line of witches in existence. They are not servants of nature like others, but follow their own moral codes. Their power is unmatched by that of any other, and they have the ability to absorb power from any being they come in contact with if they so choose.

    Some selfish self-preservative part inside of me wants to alert Damon because I know that he would gladly offer her up to Klaus instead, but the caring part of me that values human life feels that she has no business being brought into this, and she should be protected. Sadly, I know that I will not be able to withhold this facet of information from my friends, and can only hope for the best for this girl.

    So, I tuck the information away for later, and listen keenly to Isobel's claims. And when she reaches behind her neck and removes her sun-necklace, I can't help but cry out. I have not only lost the parents that raised me, but now the woman that birthed me. I know I should be glad, but I can't help but morn her. I was not mourning the vampire that wanted to hand me over to Klaus, no I was mourning the human, the woman that chose to not raise me out of hope that my biological father's siblings could provide for me better than she could. I could not help but mourn the mother that I never knew.

    Before I know it however, I see Stefan's car. He visibly takes notice of Isobel's charred remains yet makes no remarks, instead pulling me into a much needed hug.

   "Stefan." Is the first thing that comes out of my mouth. "Sssh ssh its okay, I got you. It's okay." "Stefan, why would she do that?" "I don't know, she said she had been in contact with Klaus, maybe he compelled her." "Stefan, why do I feel like this?" "It's okay Elena. Because no matter how you feel, she was your biological mother, your blood. It is okay to grieve her." He said pulling away enough to look me in the eye. "Okay, Stefan." I said as he pulled me into the car. "Let's get you home." "Yeah. I want to see Jeremy."

    About five minutes into the ride, I compose myself enough to tell Stefan of the other newfound doppelganger. "Stefan, I don't know if it's true or not, but she told me that there is another human doppelganger." When he gives me an incredulous yet hopeful look, I continue "Her name is Isabella Swan, she lives in Forks, and is eighteen years old." "Swan, Elena where have I heard that name before?" "Bonnie told us about her line. Stefan they're witches. Not nature witches, a different type. She said that they are the most powerful in existence, and can absorb magic from anyone and anything." "We need to talk to Bonnie about it then." "Soon." Was the last thing that was said until we arrived at my house.

    The second we stepped over the threshold, I took out my phone, and called Bonnie, and told her and Jeremy to get to the house as soon as possible. While Stefan and I were waiting, I showered and when I went down stairs I saw everyone even Caroline, who had apparently finished dealing with Matt. I got hugs from everyone and surprisingly Damon too. "So," said Caroline "who goes first, because I'm sure that we've all had eventful days." "Well I for one want to hear how crappy all of your days have been first. So, I say we should start with the lovely Elena." "Okay, but before I start, where's Ric?" "No clue said he was busy." "Okay." I said as Damon made an odd flailing motion with his arms.

    "Isobel said that there is another doppelganger, she just turned eighteen, she lives in Forks, Washington-" "Well then let's go get her, and hand her over to Klaus instead!" "No" chorused everyone else, before demanding that Elena finish her story. "Anyways, Isobel said that her name is Isabella Swan." "Elena, are you sure she said Swan?" "Yes, positive." "The Swans are the most powerful and the oldest line of witches, they are not bound by the laws of nature, and can do whatever they please with no drawbacks, and there are stories of Isabella, my grams would tell them to me." "Well" said Damon in a tone that earned him glares from almost everyone in the room. "The stories say that she is one of the two most powerful beings in existence, that there is only one who matches her power." "Don't keep us in suspense Bon-Bon!" "Damon!" snapped Stefan clearly exasperated with his brother's antics. "The stories say that her power is matched only by Klaus if he breaks the curse, as her magic will stay with her even in death." "Well, damn!" said Damon. And proceeded to tell the tale of his day.


AN: So I'm not sure if I need to do a disclaimer so I am going to do it just to be safe. Also I just want to say that anything from italics is taken strait from TVD.

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters; they all belong to their respective owners.

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