The Bond

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Curiosity. Anger. Dread. Fear. They all hit me. In that exact order. But it wasn't mine. I don't know how but it wasn't. I know enough to recognize that it is not due to my gift. Yes, I'm an empath. I managed to glean a similar sort of gift to Jasper after becoming so close with him. Yeah. Real shocker I spent time with him when not accompanied by Edward. But I acquired enough knowledge on this subject to know for sure that it did not originate from this particular gift. It had been too long since having physical contact with Jasper. And, no. He's like an older brother to me. No. These feelings originated from a bond. It was fragile, yet so so strong. I could feel the it. It was strong, yet nowhere near as strong as it would be when Niklaus was in his own body. I could see the wonder in his eyes. Feel something akin to love blossoming in him. Feel it blossoming in me.


Well, it seems he killed the witch for no reason then. When she had spoken of his mate that would be born a doppelganger, he had promptly ripped out her heart. He might want a mate, might hope that someone would be able to love him, stand by him. But his dreams were futile. For he is a monster, incapable of love. Undeserving of a mate. But he wanted one. And now that she is here, in the custody of the incompetent "save Elena" team, he is furious. He could tell that she wanted to give in to her instincts and comfort him, and he wanted her to. But not here, not in front of them. She wouldn't. She had a sense of self preservation. He was sure. He was removed from his reverie when the topic of his musings spoke.

"So. Why would I choose to not reveal you to Klaus. He obviously wants you more than me. And even if he didn't, it was idiotic to bring me here." She stated as Damon's eyebrows rose, and Elena looked annoyed and dejected.

"No, it wasn't. Because Klaus could easily mistake you for Elena, and be none the wiser. With the aid of a few spells of course."

"Let me guess, he will if I don't aid you?"

"Essentially, that is our Plan B."

"Of course it is Damon. Fine, I'll consider helping." At Damon's look, and the opening of his mouth, Bonnie interrupted.

"It's the best well get."

"I have clothes you can borrow, and you can shower here." Isabella smiled and thanked Elena while following her up the stairs.


I was mad. Mad that I had been kidnaped and mad that Damon thought he could boss me around. But when Elena offered me a shower and some clothes, I couldn't help but smile. When she closed the door on the guest room, leaving me with a pair of dark faded jeans, a light blue long sleeved V-neck that hugged my curves, a pair of black leather three-inch-high boots, along with some underclothes laying on the bed in front of me. The second she left the room, I went into the bathroom where she had placed shampoo conditioner, and body wash. The second I closed the bathroom door, I began stripping. I promptly got into the shower, and began very thoroughly washing myself. In the end, I had washed my hair four times, and my body six. I didn't know what was down there!

After getting dressed, and putting my hair into two braids with some rubber bands Elena had left me along with some hair product which turned out to be coconut oil that I used to soften my hair, I walked down the stairs and into what I believed to be a living room of sorts.


I honestly have no clue what to think of my cousin. When we were alone, she was nice to me. I am unsure what exactly happened, but I think that we had bonded, but barely. It was fragile, could be easily broken. It was weird though. To see her go from the cold self-preservative witch that cared for no one bur herself. She was still cold, but it was as if she was trying to be nice. So I was surprised when she walked down, the look in her eyes cold and distant.

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