The Phone Call

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It was about noon when Charlie got the dreaded phone call, when I felt that oh so dreaded shift inside of me.
Grandma Swan was dead. The closest thing I had to a responsible mom was dead. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom more than words can say, but she's always been more of a friend to me than a mom. My nana was the one to teach me magic, yes magic. I'm a witch, and so was every Swan female to be born. Our magic gets stronger every generation, and I am the strongest Swan witch to date. I was going to tell Edward, but after what he said, he doesn't deserve to know.
Grandma had always told me that the way I saw myself was different than the way others did, and I suppose that it was true. I wasn't adopted , but I don't exactly look like any of my parents, but I guess that I look like my mom. I look Bulgarian, have a small oval shaped face, dark brown eyes, long dark brown hair, I'm 5'5, I weigh about 120 lbs, and have this odd crescent shaped birthmark on one of my shoulders. At least that's what I see when I look in the mirror. That's what my dad and grandmother see too. When everyone else looks at me though, they see pale skin, someone who is 5'5, about 120lbs, dye damaged dark brown hair, and light hazel eyes. Despite these similarities though, what I see and what others see is almost the complete opposite. But when grandma died, the glamour spell she did dissipated. Now what everyone sees is the real me. I don't know why she placed that spell on me though, but whenever I asked, she would just tell me that it was for something important, that there was something I need to do, to change. Now I guess I'll never know.
When dad got off of the phone, he just sat there, and said to me "Bells, go pack your stuff, we have to go to Seattle for nana's funeral."
"Bells?" He asked, voice breaking.
"Yeah dad, I'm here." I said rushing into his open arms.
"Bells" He said more firmly. I didn't reply, knowing that he just needed me, me and no one else.

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