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"No way, Mary you just like seeing me ugly." Rose complains as she tries to fix the mess that is her hair. Her straight hair usually stays straight but with the humid weather of Florida. It's already starting to frizz up.
She rolls her eyes as her sister pretends to act like she did nothing, her eyes still focused on the road.

They've been driving for almost an hour. Rose isn't as mad as she was before, her mother told her that she had to go with Mary to this event. She didn't have a clue what it was about. She just knew that her sister was obsessed with these people form online or whatever. She didn't remember the name of it but it was happening at a hotel that her parents literally spent money for them to stay in.

What type of parents do that? Rose still couldn't figure out the type of logic her parents even had. Like, just because we're old doesn't mean we should be allowed to do this.

Rose wasn't the type of person to just go out, but with the pressure of not being so boring because if she wasn't doing anything her sister wasn't allowed to do anything. And that wasn't fair. Rose knew it wasn't, and she knew that doing this one thing for her sister would make her a better sister.

And, Mary offered to drive all the way to Orlando, so she wasn't complaining.

Except for the messy hair.

And, the fact that if she ever needed a favor done, Mary would have to do it in a heart beat.

Everything was going on her favor and she was so happy about it.

When they finally arrived to the Hyatt Regency, the place was packed with other people inside.

Frustrating Rose thought, but her sister was quite the opposite, her happiness covering her face from head to toe, she kept saying "What if Cody is here already?! Or Christian oh my god, can you believe it, we're going to meet them." Rose couldn't get as excited as her sister, but she did smile at her sister, it was the happiest she had ever seen her so she was savoring it into her memory.

The line began to move to check-in and as they began to walk up to the desk, a boy tripped into her. Rose was standing but caught the boy who tripped, she laughed at him, helping him up, and Mary's eyes widen.

He quickly apologized as he began to help himself get onto his feet again.

"that's Wes Tucker." Mary said in the most astonishing tone ever.

"Mary, it's not time for your games, it's okay, don't worry about it love, things happen sometimes, just look where your going next time please." Rose said to Wes Tucker. She didn't know that he was Wes Tucker.

"I'm sorry really, I didn't mean to trip like that, it's not like me. But, Mary is it, would you like a picture? I am Wes Tucker, yeah that's me." Wes said with a cough.

Rose laughed. "Wow, I didn't think they'd be trying to bother us right when we got into the door, damn your dreams work fast."

Mary was still in shock that it was Wes Tucker in front of her.

"Please Wes, If it's no hassle, thank you so much." Mary asks politely.

Rose walks up to the desk to get them checked in as Mary gets her picture with Wesley Tucker.

"This means so much oh my god thank you Wes." Mary says as she hugs Wes.

"Of course, will I see you both again?" Wes asks as Rose comes to them with the hotel room keys.

"Probably, yeah we're on the same floor I think." Rose says.

"How do you know what-" Wes starts to ask.

Rose cuts him off and says "my sister is obsessed of course we had to get a room with all of you on the same floor, so you'll be seeing a lot of both of us this weekend."

Mary is blushing at this, and a kid with dark brown hair and a jawline that could kill comes up behind Wes, "dude lets go, Tina is looking for you." He says.

Mary's eyes widen once more, but Rose already starts dragging her towards the elevator. "I want to go to the room, I'm tired of holding our stuff lets go."

"But Rose!! That was Cody Ryle!!" Mary begins to pout.

"I don't care, I want to get to the room first okay, then we can go searching for your favorite people okay?" Rose says.

Mary just rolls her eyes aggravated at her sister but quickly looks at her pictures of her and Wes and feels better.


Hi loves, I hope you liked the prologue idk I feel like there isn't any Wesley Finn Tucker fan fiction so I decided to write one. Please tell me if you like it like this or you want it in POV's or something idk. Thank you for taking the time to read it, and please vote, comment, and follow me to see when I update! Thank you for being apart of the Wesley Finn Tucker fan base, and even if you aren't Thank you for supporting this story and his existence. Lots of love to you!!!

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