3. An Old Friend

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Gamzee stepped off of the metal drawbridge entrance to the castle hive. He began his walk toward the village. Normally, Royalty was not to leave the castle hive without an escort, but Gamzee managed to slip by. He was going to head toward the main square of the village, where the small shacks and shop vendors were. A lot of goods were sold there, it was nice.

“Iis2 that the Priince Ii 2ee?” Said a voice. Gamzee looked over to see a gold blooded troll with psionic powers, Sollux Captor.

“SoLbRo.” Gamzee said looking at the troll with two sets of horns and different coloured eyes hidden behind the same colour shades. “YoU hAvE a ShOp nOw?” Gamzee asked with a raised eyebrow. Sollux leaned against the wooden store stall.

“Becau2e of that 2teward of your2.” Sollux answered. “He threatened two riid lowblood2 from Alterniia iif we don’t do 2omthiing productiive.” Sollux told the prince.

“YoU’rE kIdDiNg Me?” Gamzee asked in disbelief. Sollux shook his head and sighed. “EqUiUs HaS nO rIgHt.”

“But he doe2, he ii2 royalty even though he’2 not liike you or the 2ea dweller2.” Sollux replied. Gamzee made a small honk, which was a custom and a habit for any Makara. “He wouldn’t dare two touch Aradiia though. He’2 liike pale for her.” Sollux added.

“WhAt AbOuT tHe MuTaNt?” Gamzee asked. Sollux glanced around, a few other trolls had emerged from their hives, curious to why the prince was there.

“Come iintwo my Hiive, Priince. We can 2peak more privately.” Sollux said. Gamzee nodded and let Sollux lead the way to his small hive he shared with his ancestor Mituna. Once inside, Sollux made Gamzee have a seat, Mituna lumbered in, he avoided Gamzee.

“Why ii2 he here, 2ollux?” Mituna asked, not bothering to use a hushed tone. Sollux reached and touched Mituna’s shoulder.

“He ha2 nothiing two do wiith our 2truggle here, Tuna. Iit ii2 Equiiu2’ fault. You and Ii both know GH would not threaten u2 or Vanta2.” Sollux said in a calming voice. Mituna looked at Gamzee, his expression softened from anger to an alright emotion.

“He’S rIgHt.” Gamzee said. Mituna nodded, the two Captors took a seat. “EqUiUs DiD sOmEtHiNg To KaRkAt? I tHoUgHt KaRbRo RaN fRoM aLtErNiA?” Gamzee asked, confused and a bit upset.

“Kk wa2 put two exiile.” Sollux said with a sigh. Gamzee knew that Sollux and Karkat had been friends, very close. Sollux didn’t care that Karkat had mutant blood and that all of Alternia had basically shunned him and any other mutated Vantas. “Equiiu2 ii2 racii2t, Gamz. He want2 two get riid of everyone that’2 a lowblood.” Sollux said. Mituna stood and left the room, he seemed angry.

“HoW dO wE fInD kArKaT?” Gamzee asked. Sollux sighed and took off his glasses. He closed his red and blue eyes. “ThE pRoPhEcY, yOu KnOw?” Gamzee asked.

“Ii know of the prophecy. Iit ii2 a true prophecy two. Equiiu2 probably doe2n’t want iit two happen becau2e he’ll be bumped a level down the hemo2pectrum.” Sollux explained. Gamzee thought for a bit and then honked loudly.

“ThEn WhY dOn’T wE dO iT? We JuSt NeEd To FiNd KaRbRo.” Gamzee said.

“You would have two leave the land2 of Alterniia. You’ve never done that before.” Sollux told him. Gamzee nodded and grinned a clownish grin. “Are you 2ure you’re up two thii2?” Sollux asked.

“YeS. wIlL yOu CoMe WiTh Me?” Gamzee asked. Sollux was about to answer when the door to the Captor hive opened.

“Where is he????????” Vriska Serket growled as she readied to throw her majyyk dice that would change to weapons of her choice in the doorway. Sollux stood quickly, his hands held up innocently. Mituna came into the room doing the same thing.

“Don’t you dare attack, 2erket. We mean no harm, the Priince ii2 2iimply vii2iitiing an old bro.” Sollux said loud and clear. Vriska looked at Gamzee and narrowed her cerulean eyes. “Doe2 that 2eem liike he’2 iin any danger?”

“Gamzee you know you C8’t leave the Castle Hive like that. Equius is worried sick.” Vriska said. Gamzee stood up and pushed his chair in.

“I bEt He Is, VrIsKa.” Gamzee muttered. He looked at Sollux. “So WhAt Do YoU sAy, SoLbRo?” Gamzee asked, he went over to Vriska.

“Ii 2ay ye2.” Sollux said with a nod. Gamzee honked happily and waved as Vriska basically dragged him out of the Hive.


“So why were you put to exil?” John asked. He and Karkat lay in his bed in his Chambers. Karkat was enjoying all of John’s blankets, they were nice and cozy compared to the weaved straw blankets back in Alternia.


“Why are you so low?” John asked, he rolled onto his side to look at Karkat.

“I AM A MUTANT BECAUSE OF MY BLOOD. CANDY-RED IS A MUTATION.” Karkat said angrily. He was getting a little worked up. “THERE IS A PROPHECY IN WHICH I AM CONNECTED TO A ROYAL MAKARA, BUT I DON’T BELIEVE IT. I DON’T HAVE ANY ROMANTIC MATESPRITSHIP INTEREST IN THE MAKARA.” Karkat growled, he was shaking he was so mad. John grabbed a horn of Karkat’s and it calmed him down. “YOU MUST BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU DO THAT. SOMETIMES THE RESPONSE IS DIFFERENT.” Karkat whispered a warning as he began to purr. 

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