Battle Plan

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   A bit of time has past since Isaac and Lyn had made it home and became friends. They're both working at different stores, and visit eachother on breaks, really having nothing much else to do. Aubrey has been coming over more and more, and that's kept Isaac away from home less and less. And the same goes with Lyn, just with his parents, who can't seem to get tge hint that they're not wanted. Although, despite these annoyances for the two, it's kept them together more often than not, and they've learned quite a bit about one another. Including that Isaac is more of a cat than a dog person, Lyn enjoys creative writing, and that Isaac plays guitar, piano, and drums, though he only has an electric keyboard and an acoustic guitar, and a set of bongos he got from Jamaica many years back.
   The time is now set around two and a half months after they arrived home, and Isaac's just left Lyn at work, Lyn watching him walk out of the door.
   "Lyn, why don't you just aske him out already?!" Lyn's arm where his head was resting slides off of the edge of the counter, and once he gains balance, he turns to his co-worker, who stands just taller than him in her heels.
   "R-Ruby, he's just a friend... The closest friend I've had since grade school..." he sighs, sitting in the spinny chair behind his counter.
   "Well, is he gay? Bi? Pan? If he's any of those you should be good to go," Ruby sits next to him at the other register.
   "I don't know. And how am I supposed to know if he likes me if he even IS interested in men..?" he turns towards her, and her red painted lips curl into a smile, and the coils in her dark hair bounce in amusement.
   "What..? Isn't that a normal question to ask??" Lyn seems nervous, but Ruby simply turns her whole body towards him.
   "Lyn. Gonzales. I swear to you there is not a chance in this world that he doesn't think of you in the same way you think of him, alright? He may not realize it, but you both have spent an incredible amount of time with eachother, and you seem to trust eachother immensely. Even if he's straight, he cares about you a hell of a lot, Lyn."
   "...But how could you know..?"
   "I could tell the first time I saw you two here together. Just by the way you look at eachother, I was surprised you weren't a couple from the begining."
   Lyn's incredibly flustered at this point, his face red and buried into his arms on the counter as he looks at his refletion on the table. Should he go for it..? But he still doesn't know if... And if his parents found out... And if Aubrey and Isaac's mom found out... It's too risky right now...
   "Maybe you could test it. Go on a trip with him, have him spend the night, or maybe even stay over at his place. Not as a couple, and definetly not to like fuck or anything but just an friends, hangin out, ya know? See what it's like. Maybe flirt a little bit, who knows, you could sneak a kiss~?" Ruby teases him, and he nuzzles his face into his arms again, too embarrased to look at her.
   "Maybe I could try when my parents aren't over..." he whispers meekly, and Ruby smiles, and hits his back kinda hard.
   "Now, THAT'S the spirit, Lyn!! Alright, we're just halfway through the day, we don't have long to go!" she cheers, and he sits up, smiling a bit. Yeah, that seems like a good idea... He hopes.
   As Isaac's tidying up his workspace, his phone buzzes, and he sighs, figuring it's another text from Aubrey. But, even though his workspace is walking distance from his own, he's recieved a text from Lyn.
   'Hey, apparently my parents decided to finally go back home, so would you like to come over? (•_•)?
   Isaac smiles a bit, liking the idea.
   'I'm cool with it. I'll wanna stop by my house to grab some stuff, though, if that's okay.'
   'Works for me!! (^O^) '
   Isaac starts packing everything away a bit quicker than usual, excited to finally see Lyn's house for the first time, and get out of another awkward night with Aubrey.

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