Escape Plan

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   After a couple of hours of chatting through the phone, which was originally just texting, but it eventually evolved into a skype call, Lyn falls asleep, leaving Isaac to end the call. But before he does, he looks at Lyn's sleeping face, really looking at him closely. He has freckles across his nose from the past summer, and his eyelashes are oddly long. His hair is, though short, pretty dark, almost black, and his lips aren't too thick or thin.
'Just right...' he thinks to himself.
"Isaac, what'cha doin?? I haven't seen you all day!!" his mother sneaks up to him, hugging him from behind. Isaac quickly ends the call, hoping she hadn't woken him up.
"Hi, Mom," he says.
"Dinner was good..! I'm so glad you can cook, cause I can't... Anyway, Percy's gone, so you don't have to hide away anymore! C'mon, tell me about your day, we haven't been able to just talk in years," she smiles at him, sitting on his bed, smiling, waiting for him to begin.
"We talked yesterday, Mom," is all he says. She groans, leaning back in impatience.
"That was all about boot camp and such. Tell me about today!" she insists, nudging his shoulder slightly. He sighs, knowing she'll only nag at him if he refuses to talk about it.
So, he explains, his mother hanging onto every word. Thankfully, she's a good listener, and talking about his day is actually pretty relaxing, though the story is not.
"That's a wild day from start to finish..." she says once Isaac finishes. He nods. She stands up, motioning for him to follow suit, and his mother opens her arms for a hug.
"You showered, right?" he asks. She laughs.
"Yes, I did, now give me a hug."

The next morning, Lyn wakes up to a loud banging on his bedroom door. He sits up, rubbing his eyes.
"Y-Yes..?" he says just loud enough to get his voice to sound over the banging on the door.
"We need you to go to the store!! You don't have anything to eat!!" his father shouts back at him. He sounds even more angry than usual.
'Something must've happened between him and Mom...' Lyn thinks to himself.
"What would you like..?" he asks, not wanting to bother arguing.
   Once they give him their orders of waffles and eggs, he gets dressed in a simple pair of shorts and a slightly oversized t-shirt, and heads out.
   Once at check out, he notices a sign behind the cashier.
   "E-Excuse me, but what would I need to do to get a job here..?" he asks hesitantly, hoping the answer wasn't obviously placed on the small "HIRING" sign, which he can't read properly.
   "Uh, you can email them, or you can talk to the manager, if you wanna know now," he says, and Lyn nods.
   "That could work... Um... Th-Thank you..!" he takes his things, and walks towards the door.
"If I get to email them, I should be able to get the job, I hope, there was only one cashier on the job in this huge store, and I can hopefully get away from my parents, oh and maybe get Isaac a job here, at least to start out with, he'd like that, I think, yeah, and then we could- oH I'm so soRRY!!" he drops his bags, and immediately starts picking them up again, without looking up to see who he'd hit.
"Watch where you're going, you jackass," a female voice snarls, but Lyn doesn't take much offence to it. He's used to being called names.
He picks up the purse she'd dropped before she can get to it so he can hand it to her, but once he goes to stand up again, his face hits something soft and warm, but he pulls away immediatly. The beautiful woman pulls up the front of her shirt, her face red with embarrassment and rage.
"How... How DARE you?! First you run into me, and then you... UGH!! It's people like you who are stopping women like me from going out without any fear of... Of people sticking their faces where they shouldn't be!!" she turns around, whipping her golden hair, hitting Lyn's bright red face as she leaves in the other direction.
"I-I-I didn't mean to... I... S-Sorry, it was a-an accident, I-I-I-"
"Sure, an accident... Haha, right."
She storms away, Lyn sighing in annoyance and embarrassment. He stands up, walking from the store, performing the horrid walk of shame, the store room audience watching in shock.

Once he gets home, he unloads everything, cooks the food his parents asked for, or rather, demanded, and heads back to his room, locking the door. He opens his computer screen, trying to get to the store's website, until he gets a text.
He opens his phone, and his face lights up as soon as he sees that it's from Isaac.
But his heart sinks as soon as he reads it.
'Please get me out of here. Make up some sort of emergency, and pick me up, my mother won't let me leave. Please come if you can, I'll explain once you get here.'
'I'm on my way.' he answers immediately, looking around for his shoes again. Hopefully his parents won't need him for anything later today...
"Mom, Dad, I'm going job hunting, I'll be back later today..." he says into the living room and his mother sends him off with a single wave, and he runs out of the door, into his car, and down the street before they could change their minds.

It's been around ten minutes since Lyn texted Isaac back, and Isaac's grown a bit impatient, tapping his finger on the table quietly. His mother had brought some girl over for Isaac to meet with, his mother having tried to set him up with girls since he was about fifteen, and she may be pretty, he just wasn't into the way she looked at him. Like some lost old mutt begging her for a meal and a good time.
She turns towards hims again. He musters up a weak smile, and she checks him out, up, down, and back up again. Once she looks away, a chill runs up his spine.
"Well, I'll go into the other room so you two can really get to know each other," she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, and Isaac rolls his eyes, not a single bit interested.
The room stays quiet for a moment, and Isaac looks up to see this girl stirring her cup of water with her finger, looking up towards him every so often.
"So, uh... Aubrey..." she looks up to him, her stirring stopped.
"So, uh... What are you into..? Got any, uh... Hobbies? Talents, maybe?" he shrugs, really not the best with conversation, but she turns towards him, her body arched, sending her hips outward as she leans on the counter.
"Well, my hobbies... Aren't very interesting..." she giggles cutely, and looks towards him. His face remains blank except for the eyebrow he has raised.
"You're supposed to tell me that that's not true..." she whispers quietly, pouting like a child.
"I am..?" he asks, totally oblivious.
"Well, now it's pointless... Well, what hobbies do you have~?" she takes a step closer to him.
"I... I play music on occasion. And scroll through meme pages a lot. That's about it." he says, and she smiles. She moves closer, sliding onto the counter next to him so she can get as close as possible to him.
"Could you sing something to me, then~?"
"N-No, I don't sing." he says, attempting to move away, but she rests her head on his shoulder.
"Please, Isaac, it'd mean the world to me..!" she pleads with her words and her eyes as she looks up to him.
"I told you already, I don't sing." he states again, more sternly this time.
"Oh, come on, you party pooper..." she leans on his shoulder, moving her face closer to his, "Just one little tune..? Maybe I'll even reward yo-"
"I'll get it!" he shouts a bit too loudly, dashing towards the door. He opens it, his smile wearing away, seeing Lyn's face.
"Hey, is everything oka-"
"Isaac, I need your help, m-my parents, they- They got into a fight again, and m-my dad, he... He went outside and got into the car to leave, b-but... I tried to stop him from... From going, but he just... Rammed towards the house as fast- as fast as he could, but... I-I didn't see my mom there, a-and I think that's wh-what he aimed for... I-Isaac, I'm not strong enough to help her, and m-my father won't do a thing... P-Please, can yo-"
"Yeah, I'm coming, just, just give me one second, I'll grab my shoes." Isaac says, wondering if this was even an act or if he was serious. Either way, he needed to leave.
"Aubrey, I have to go, my friend's in a tight spot, his parents got into a bad fight, he needs help," he says, sliding on some tennis shoes.
"O-Okay... Uh... Good luck..! Here, I'll walk you ou-"
"That's alright, I'll see you around." he says, practically sprinting out the door, shutting it behind him, and heading towards Lyn's running car.
"Okay, first of all, are you serious, did your dad hit your mom?!" Isaac asks, genuinely worried, and Lyn chuckles a bit.
"Hell no, if that were real, it'd be me hitting them..." he laughs a bit, driving down the road, and sneaks a glance towards Isaac, seeing the astonished look on his face.
"Damn, you even fooled me, and I was in on it... You're pretty damn good..!" Lyn's cheeks turn pink, and he chuckles.
"I guess that's one thing I can thank my parents for. Kinda forced me to learn how to lie like a pro to get out of situations I don't wanna be in."
"Huh." is all Isaac can think to say.
"Oh, and at the supermarket, there's some job openings. Do you wanna cgeck it out, or are you not really into that..?" he asks awkwardly, and Isaac shrugs.
"I'm not really dressed for it, but we can give it a shot, I suppose," he shrugs, and Lyn smiles. This is the most fun he's had in a while...

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