Mr. Player's Kids: Chapter 3

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Mr. Player's Kids: Chapter 3

Now that everything was amazing between Chase and I, there was only one thing that could make this entire ordeal perfect.

I had to tell my parents.

Chase had already taken me to tell his, and to my surprise, they were overjoyed. They beamed at the thought of a grandchild on the way, even if their son to be a father at the young age of 17. His parents, Amelia and Eric, were just as dazzling as Chase was, and despite their old age, they looked to be in their 30s.

As we drove to my house, Chase held my hand the whole way. I was nervous. Beyond nervous. I was about it burst in the passenger seat of Chase's car. I couldn't tell them. They would disown me. I had always heard their talks about pregnant teens. How (these were their words, not mine) they were sluts, and whores, and were now wasting their life for caring for a baby that should have came into the world years after their life actually began, not while they were still in high school.

No one spoke a word on the way there, and I was guessing that Chase was just as nervous as I was. To be honest, he might have been in a worse position than I was...

Think about it, a boy that your parents haven't even met yet, you haven't even dated before, you've already slept together, and to top it all of, he got their daughter pregnant. Yeah, I couldn't wait for my parents to meet him.

Yeah, right.

Chase pulled his black Porsche over to the side of my driveway. My house wasn't nearly as grand as his, just a simple two-story house, in a quiet neighborhood. My parents liked it that way. 

We didn't get out of the car right away. He turned to look at him, and I did the same. Still, no words came out of my mouth. It was like we could talk with our eyes. Finally, Chase broke the silence.

"I'm here for you." He simply said. I nodded, not letting any noise exit my mouth. Chase got out of the car and opened the passenger door for me, helping me out and grasping my hand the entire walk to the front door. I twisted the handle ever so slightly, as Chase put his hand on top of mine and turned it the full way.

This was it. It was game time.

As I walked in, my mom's face immediately lit up. "Hey sweetie! How was lacrosse?" my mother chirped. 

"G-good." I stuttered. She looked at me, and then Chase, a confused but pleasant look on her face.

"Who's this handsome young man?" she smiled, raising her eyebrows. Chase chuckled.

"I'm Chase Henry, it's nice to meet you." He said politely, shaking her hand. My mother gasped.

"Eric Henry's son? The casino owner millionaires! You're friends with Emma?" she laughed. I blushed and looked down at the floor. My mother always had a knack for embarrassing me, no matter where, or when, she always got me.

"That's right, ma'am. And yes, I'm glad to know Emma. We're great friends." he smiled down at me, making me blush again, and squeezing my hand. My mother noticed this move, and raised her eyebrows again.

"Ohh! I knew it! You two are a couple aren't you? That's sweet! My little Emma finally found herself a boyfriend!" she cooed, pinching my cheeks.

"Mom!" I groaned. This only made her smile bigger.

"So you too are really dating huh? My little darling's growing up! That makes me so happy!" she giggled. Chase looked at me once more, and smiled.

"Yeah, Emma's the best thing that's happened to me in a while..." he trailed off, scratching the back of his head. "We kinda have other news too..." he looked at me, as if I were supposed to finish his thoughts. I sighed.

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