Thug Passion -7

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Lauren wasted no time

"Are you fucking serious right now? Darien What the fuck is this shit?! Are you some type of drug addict?!"

Darien stood in shock, not knowing what to say. What could he say to make the situation better?! Nothing. He hates him self for leaving his suitcase open.

The room went silent.

"You gonna answer me or are you going to stare at me like some fucking idiot!"

"I was going to tell you" he said coming closer to her

"Don't you DARE.. are these yours? Have you been using them?"


"Then what?"

" I-I-I I've been selling them"

"For what?! You have an outstanding pay check, why are you doing all this shit"

"I got fired" He said nodding his head

"For how long?"

"Four months"

Lauren stood back in shock "Four months... do you know how long that is, why?"


"No, I want you to lie to me."

"I got fired because the company found out i had a personal relationship with one of the girls up front"

Lauren took a seat before she passed out from anger.

"Babe. Its nothing serious it was in the beginning of our marriage" he said coming closer to her

"Don't you DARE come near me you piece of shit"

He ignored her stern command and sat next to her trying to take her in his arms. She quickly got up and looked for her purse.

"Whatre you doing?"

"Leaving you" she said turning around

"I'm sorry babe"

As soon as she heard "I'm sorry" she flung the briefcase across the room

"Dont you ever say that to me ever again. "I'm sorry"" she said mocking him "You re not fucking sorry Darien because if you were you wouldnt have kept this from me, Hell you wouldnt even started it.

"Please I need you, I love you" he got up from the couch

"You know I came into this marriage giving you me. 100% of me, and you came in giving me half of you. I had to fight for you for you to realize how much i cared about you, how much I love you. Am i bad wife? Is this why youre doing this to me"


"Dont cut me off." walking to the door she held the door knob and looked back at him "One question, why?"

"Why what"

"Why did you even marry me if you were going to pull this on to me.?"

"I married you because youre a beautiful smart woman and perfect for me" he said coming closer to her

"Back up. First its your ex girlfriend, then its your secretary... is there anyone else i should know about? My sister? The lady downstairs? Do you even know how many times I go out for a walk or to shop and I get hit on? But no... I stop it because i have a husband who i RESPECT and who i love" she was just about to leave

"So go cheat on me, we can get even"

Astonished, she looked back he was standing closer to her

"Even? Its not about getting even. Its about trust and frankly i cant be with a man that i cant trust and that's partly why I'm leaving you.Whatever you wanna do, go. You're free" Just as she was about to step of you threw her wedding ring on the floor

Darien stood in shock, not knowing what to say or do.

Lauren walked down the hallway which seemed to go on forever... She had her head held high. She was strong this time. As if she expected it sooner or later. Walking into the lobby she called for a taxi.

Midnight rolled around and she wasnt looking back. Her feelings have been bunched up ever since Reggie reentered her life. When he cam back, emotions did too.

She admired his milk choclate skin and his "football body" that hadnt seem to gone away.

She'd be lying to herself if she said she didnt miss him.

Soon enough she arived to queens and walked up the steps of Reggies apartment. She rang the bell.

Reggie came out in just his pants, as if he was just about to shower.

"Lauren..?" he said

She stood in shock as to he didnt have his shirt on. His chest and muscles exposed to the cold air causing goosebumps that seemed to turn her a bit on. They both stood in silence looking at each other. She'd be the first to break the sileence"

"Sorry to barge in this late, but i had no where else to go" she lied. She wanted to see him.

"its fine i was just about to hop in the shower and make dinner. Make your selff at home. Ill be quick."

Walking in she agreed, "I'll be in the kitchen" She walked over to the barstool and took a seat with her ohone in her hand. She went through it and made sure to delete every peice of Darien.

In a gaze she was picturing Reggie on top of her. The thought of it made her insides tingle"

She had already changed into shorts and a shirt, Reggie looked at her and gave her a big grin.  She looked at him and laughed.

Reggie handed her her plate and sat across from her,

"How is everything? Are you okay? I know this must be har-"

She chuckled "No, its easier now. Im happy, actually i couldnt be happier" looking at him she grabbed his hand and gave it a little squezze to asure him this was where she was happy, with him.

He smiled at her admiring her tan skin, he loved the way her light hair complemented  her blue eyes.

"Youre so beautiful" he said breaking his trance

Lauren blushed and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Let me help." she said

"No its fine, uhm you can sleep in my room if you want."

"No, Ill take the guest room" she headed to the halway

He cleaned up dinner as she went to go make her self at home in the guest bedroom.. Checking the time he knew it was past his bed time, he was just glad he had the day off.

"Are you all set?" he said standing in the door way

"Yes, thank you" she said comming up from a bent down position

"If you need me, you know where my room is" he said giving her a wink and headed to his room

Lauren bit her lip and climbed up into bed listining to the rain which calmed her. A flash of lighting beamed across Laurens window, frightened she headed to the bathroom. She was looking at her self and gained a boost of confidence out of the blue. Turning off the light she steped into the hallway and headed to Reggies room.

Thug PassionWhere stories live. Discover now