Thug Passion -5

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Sorry for the short chapter, written on my phone, a longer chapter coming up... Promise!! Please give me feedback❤ 


Carly walked into the oversized apartment and saw Lauren on the floor. 

"What happened?" Carly asked kneeling down hugging Lauren 

The room was silent, except for Laurens sobs. 

"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!" she looked up at Darien "GET THE FUCK OUT" 

Confused Carly took Darien and turned him away from Lauren "Come on" she said. 

He walked to the door with Carly and punched the wall on the way out, Carly jumped frightened. 

Carly went back to Lauren and tried to calm her down, but she continued to sob. The continuous sob stopped when she heard the door open. 

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?! IVE GIVEN YOU ENOUGH" she said screaming. 

Reggie came over and knelt down to hug her, she started to punch him and slap him in the face, just as she was about to give him another blow he grabbed her wrists and held them. Lauren was breathing heavy trying to calm her self down. When Reggie saw her breaths go back to normal he let go an put his arms around her, comforting her. 

It didn't take long until Lauren fell asleep in Reggies arms, he picked her up and took her in the bedroom. Gently he lowered Lauren on the bed. When he set her down, he stood over her admiring her face even with the disgusting gauze over it. He loved how her dull blue eyes complemented her long bright blonde hair, or how her tan skin goes perfect with her white smile. Reggie was caught in a gaze when Carly walked in getting him out of it.  

"You should really get some sleep" she said grabbing his hand. 

"Ill come by in the morning" Reggie said heading for the door. 

"No stay in the guest room" a weak voice came from the door way. Lauren looked at Reggie with droopy eyes and her clothes half off her body. 

"Here ill get your room ready" Carly said walking into the guest room.  

Reggie went over and took Lauren back to bed. She layed down while Reggie tucked her in.  

"Listen Lauren, I'm really sorr-" Lauren cut him off 

"Stop, its not your fault. So stop blaming your self" she said falling asleep.  

Reggie kissed her forehead and left to go to his room.  

"Its ready for you" Carly said walking out 

"Thanks car" 

He layed in the bed with a million thoughts running through his mind. He questioned god, he questioned Darien, he questioned him self. He had a million questions which will never be answered, and with his questions he fell into a deep sleep forgetting everything that had happened.... For the moment.

The clock read 5:00 when Reggie turned to adjust positions, the sun was just rising and peering thought the curtains onto Reggies face. He pulled the covers over him and decided to sleep for a couple more hours. When he finally awoke the clock wrote 7:30 A.M. He sat up in bed and stretched for a bit and stayed up until all the events that happened the past nights came back into memory. Reggie rolled out of bed, grabbing his shirt he headed to the kitchen where he smelled breakfast. | 

"Smells good" he said pulling his shirt over his head, leaving his abs exposed for a couple of seconds.  

"Its Laurens favorite" Carly said looking back at him 

"She's not up yet?"  

"Nope still knocked out" 

Reggie mad his way over to the couch and turned on the news 

"Im going to wash up real quick" Carly said turning off the stove 

"No problem" Reggie said taking a seat on the couch. Lauren was still asleep in the bedroom. Even though she slept to dream about nice things and her "perfect" life her dreams suddenly turned into nightmares. She realized of what a "perfect" life she had, she was torn between two when she shouldn't have been because she already had a husband who she loved. Her best friend who's been there from the start was drifting away from her. She awoke when the night of the crash happened. She sprang up and started to breathe heavily. Reggie got up to see what the commotion was he saw Lauren sweating and went over to her to wipe it away with a towel he had grabbed. 

"Thank you" she said calming her breaths 

"Are you okay?"  

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need some water" Lauren said getting out of bed. She went out the door first and Reggie followed. In the kitchen stood Darien tall and mean. He was furious as to why Reggie was in his bed room with his wife. Reggie stopped in his tracks confused to why Darien's hand were in his fists. 

"What the fuck is going on" Darien asked calmly 

"Nothing." Lauren said blandly, she was done crying and fed up with bullshit.  

"Sure doesn't seem like it" he said looking straight in Reggie's eyes  

"Look ma-"  

"Shut the fuck up" Darien said cutting him off  

"Stop it!" Lauren said as she got in front of Darien  

"Man what makes you think you could come into my house after you almost killed her"  

Reggie stood there in awe the words just kept replaying in his head "you almost killed her".

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