Finally ( Colton and Electra's History Pt 3)

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Colton's Pov Past

I went to the love of my life's house and she rejected me. I am beyond pissed. I hate her, I hate Spencer, I hate everybody. I can't believe that he would do that to me, again. Not only did he bed Samantha but now he's with Electra. I thought I could get over it but I can't. Screw them both.

I left the house and immediately got in my car. Now I'm on my way to Spencer's house. I smirk as I think of my revenge plot. They want to mess with my emotions, I'm gonna mess with theirs'.

I pull into Spencer's driveway, and knock on the door. I wait at the door for a couple minutes, when the devIl himself answers.

"Hey man, what are doing here?", he asked groggily.

"Can we talk, I have something I want to get off my chest".

"Okay", he says dragging out the 'a'.

I push past him and walk into his humble abode. I go to his living room and turn on the lamp beside the couch before sitting down.

"What do you need to talk to me about?", he says taking a seat himself.

"It's about Electra".

His eyes immediately snap open and he gives me all his attention.

"What about her?", he grits his teeth.

"This is hard to say but, s-she cheated on you Spence".

"Your fucking lying", he shoots up out his seat.

"I swear".

"How do you know?". I look away acting like it pains me, when actually I find this amusing. "Don't say it was with you Colt".

"I'm sorry but-".

He starts crying, his head in his hands. "How could she?", he says more to himself than me.

"Spencer she seduced me".

He cries his sobs getting louder by the minute. "She told me she was a virgin, that I was her first, I loved her".

"W-what",I ask.

"Don't make me repeat it, it hurts".

The guilt starts eating away at me. Was I really that blinded by rage that I ruined by bestfriends relationship?

"I'm sorry", I say.

I try putting my hand on his shoulder, only for him to push me away. "Don't fucking touch me. Matter of fact, get the hell out of my house".

I walk to his door and he follows standing right behind me. I try to say something as I step out but the door is closed too fast.

What the hell did I do?

Electra Pov Present

The next day, I went to school and Spencer dumped me. I later found out, from Savanah, that Colton told Spencer I cheated on him with Colton.

Spencer just jumped to conclusions and didn't even ask me. He trusted his friend over his girlfriend and I hate him for it. The worst part is, Colton knew of my past with cutting and still went ahead and did it anyway.

I hate myself more, because even though Spencer is a douchebag, he will always have a special place in my heart. He will always be my first love. It's funny how the ones that are closest to you, are the ones that cause you to break.

My cousin once told me, "your enemy is mean to you, to prove their loyalty, and a friend is mean because they have none".

I didn't understand what that meant until, the day after I was admitted into the hospital. I woke up and my wrist were bandaged. The doctor told me, I almost died, but Harley had saved me just in time.

They asked me if I had any parents and I told them no, I lived on my own. The doctor told me I was to go to therapy at a resort thing, all the way in California. I reluctantly agreed and I was gone for 2 years. With the help of Harley and Tristan, I got back on my feet. I stopped cutting, I reinvented myself and nobody messed with me. They were with me through everything, with their support and love.

I got lucky and I'm glad I did.

The sad thing is, Spencer knew what happened to me. He never called, never texted, never checked in. Everything was a lie. He never loved me. If I saw him today, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

"Wow", was all Jace managed to get out.

"Yeah, that's why I wrote that note. He needed a reminder of what he did".

Jace got up and shrugged on his jacket. He grabbed his keys off the table. "I'll be back".

"Where do you think your going?".

"If I tell you, it'll make you an accomplice by association".

"That's a chance I'm willing to take".

He looked me in my eyes, with a firm glare. I held his gaze, I wasn't going to back down, not this time.

"I'm going to go kill Colton, with my bare hands, happy?", he says coldly. His eyes held pure hatred and his voice made want to run and hide.

I smirked. "1) your not capable of killing anyone, 2) he will get his karma, 3)you are not going anywhere, you're staying with me".

He looked at me, sat back down and took off his jacket. "Your right".

"Aren't I always?", I chuckle.

He just glares at me, through the corner of his eyes. "What's with that bear?"

I take in a deep breathe. "I don't know actually. Spencer gave that to me for our 1 month anniversary. I fell in love with it, as soon as I seen it. After everything, I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. It reminds me of the good times with Spencer, instead of the bad ones. It held some emotional wright to it, but now that I've told you everything. I don't think I need it".

I grabbed it and looked down at it. I couldn't help the smile that etched it's way onto my face. "You wanna help me burn it?".

"You sure you wanna do that,", he asked with concern.

"Yeah, I mean, I think it's right to close that chapter in my life with this symbolic gesture. I need to let go of the past and embrace my future. You", I say with love and passion.

Jace smiles and walks over to me. I am put in a soul crushing hug. "I take that as a yes?", I ask.

"Anything for you, babe".

He let me go and he holds my hand all the way to my backyard. We make a b-line to the kitchen so I can get lighter fluid and matches.

After, we make our way to the backyard and I put the bear on the ground. I pour a good amount of lighter fluid on it and light a match. Jace slings his arm around my waist, and gives me a small smile. I take a deep breathe and say: "To new beginnings".

"To new beginnings", Jace repeats.

I drop the match and watch as the bear goes up in flames. As it goes so does my past.

I doused the flame before it could get too big and the neighbors could call the fire department and threw the remaining pieces of the bear in the trash.

"So what now?", I ask as we walk up the steps.

"Actually I have something to tell you. I've been meaning to for awhile".

"You weren't cheating on me, were you?", I laugh.

He laughs too. "No,". We stop in my bedroom doorway. "It's just that u-um I love you, Electra Grey".

Oh god someone help me....

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