Holding on her...

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AN : Hey, guys. I am so sorry for being such a lazy brat. I know it's been two months since I updated TFB, but I was too occupied with the work that I wasn't able to finish the chapter. I have missed you guys so much. Thanks a lot for being so patient with my slow updates and supporting TFB with your wonderful votes and comments. Trust me; I wouldn't have come this far if you all had not supported me. Keep your love and support :)

There is a name change of one of the character- Macloy (the one who had placed the challenge) is changed to Desmond. Hope you won't get confused. I have also deleted the prologue as I am going to change it. I will also start taking down each chapter for editing.

I will be updating this story steadily every week hence forth. I cannot keep you holding for such a long period of time.

I also request all of you to check out 'Something Like... Love'- my other humorous love story with a spice of suspense and thriller.

Hope you would enjoy this unedited dosage of chapter. Enjoy :)



Wenn ihr's nicht fühlt ihr werdet's nicht erjagen.

Meaning: You'll never attain it unless you know the feeling.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Ron's POV:

Confession : I am having a really bad hangover.

Question : Why do we drink, and even if we drink, why it has to be so much pain the next day?

Resolution : I'll never drink so much my entire life- never, ever.

Hangover- In terms of dictionary, it means disagreeable aftereffects from the use of drugs (especially alcohol), but for me it was a most disgusting feeling of being in hell after a jaunt in heaven. I was feeling like some pig made love with my head.

During first few seconds, my mind was totally in darkness. I remembered nothing. I was blank. Where was I? Even when I had opened my eyes few seconds ago, I could see nothing. It was as if my eyes had been pushed back into my head, making me blind. My eyelids felt heavy. Slowly light made its mercy on my eyes and I adjusted my vision to the surrounding. The first thing I noticed was a familiar white ceiling. This made me realize I was in my room.

I pushed myself up into sitting position and groaned, clutching my head tightly as it started to pain. I could hear my heartbeats loudly and feel it too with the throbbing veins in my head as if my heart had jumped up into my skull. I was in hell! My throat felt dry. I tried to wet my lips and swallow some saliva, but nothing helped. It felt like I was left in a desert with no water to subside my thirst. I wondered what time was it and glanced at the big, ancient wall clock which belonged to my late beloved grandfather. I had insisted on keeping it in my room in front of my eyes and from that day onwards I had been looking after it's all the maintenance. It was his memory that I wanted to keep close to me; it reminded me of his undying love and care for me.

"Shoot! Seven fifteen?" I jumped when I saw the time on it. I was already late. I even needed to pick up Ash on the way to school. But the sudden jump was not a good idea, as the room started spinning around me. What's happening? Is it earthquake? I wondered while supporting myself with the table at the side of the bed. But then I realized it wasn't earthquake. My hangover was messing wildly with my head. And then something stirred in my stomach. It aroused funny feeling inside my stomach. I knew what was happening and I fully hated it, but I knew I couldn't hold it back for longer. Fluttering inside my stomach increased. Regaining my spare strength, I ran towards the bathroom before I end up puking on my bed.

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