Love You (Cedric and Alex POV)

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Let's start with Alex's POV

Everything that happened that was going on I could hear but I was numb I felt numb to everything that was going around all around me. It's cold, so cold.

"Come on wake up." that voice, who's voice is that? It isn't Mere or Fleur, the voice was male. It's wasn't any guy at school since their english was good. It wasn't Will, or father. Who was it? "Come on Alex. Please Speedy. If you wake up I promise to shower you in love." I felt hands on my head, the warmth was flooding over my body. "I love you Alexandria Jolee Eastwood."

"Who the bloody hell told you my middle name?" I asked him groaning, attempting to lift myself up using my elbows. I looked at the boy with chiselled features, dark hair, and bright grey eyes.

"You're awake" He jumped hugging me tightly.

"Good Morning Cedric" I laughed. "Wait what happened where's Harry what happened to that dark wizard? The graveyard?" I stopped pulling him away and looking him over. "What about you? There's nothing wrong with you is there?" I asked poking and prodding him all over. Cedric laughed out loud.

"Stop it" He laughed "I'm fine. I only fainted after the tournament." I stopping poking Cedric and took a close look at his face. "What's up?" He asked his cheeks turning a bit pink,

"I never noticed." I said as Cedric looked confused for a moment. "You have a small scar on your eyebrow." Reaching up I touched his eyebrow feeling it gently.

"It's from climbing trees, but this is nothing compared to your scar." He smiled softly touching my arm. I hadn't even noticed that it was in a sling. Moving my dressing gown out of the way located right at my shoulder was an huge ugly scar. I quickly cover it back up.

"Hey. It's okay" Cedric smiled holding my cheek. "You're still beautiful" He smiled kissing my forehead and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Cedric" I smile rubbing my face into his chest taking in his smell, parchment, sunshine, and freshly mowed grass like the quidditch pitch.

"Does that mean you'll-"

"Ahem. Not meaning to intrude but I'd like to see my sister now that she's awake." We heard a laugh behind us.

"Hi William" I laughed as Cedric let me go.

"So what have I missed?" He asked sitting on my bed next to me, handing Cedric a plate of food.

"I just woke up." I smiled noticing more people come in. "Oooo. Are those sweets?" I asked reaching for the end of my bed.

"I'll get those for you." Cedric laughed placing the plate on my lap.

"Get me the skeletal sweets and chocolate frogs." I smiled before Cedric handed them to me. "Yay!" I laughed opening the chocolate frog and catching it before it could jump away.

"Nice." He laughed

"Well you do call me Speedy for a reason." I laughed before eating into the frog.

"You look good" Fleur laughed as she entered and Gabrielle ran over hugging my torso.

"Hi Gabrielle." I laughed giving her a big hug. "I'm okay there's no need to worry."

"You know you missed you Herbology test right?" Fleur laughed jokingly.

"But all the same she's passed all her tests, with Hogwarts standards Os on almost everything." Ma'dam Maxime smiled. "Now lets let her rest." She softly brushed my hair with her fingers."There will be storms appearing soon. We'll all need to be ready." I looked at her confused.

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