The start of fighting back

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Chapter 8

I hugged Ares goodbye and walked toward my front door and walked in. I say I looked a state after today. I went up to my main bathroom, took my hoody off and turned on the taps for a bath. I just need to relax and sleep after today, I feel drained after letting everything go. I dropped a few strawberry bath bomb into the water and walked to my room to get my pj's and underwear. I could feel someone close, it was a strong aura again, mabey its Cameron checking up on me after today. I got my stuff and walked back to the bathroom, I  watched the bath fill up as the bombs fizzled away leaving a smell of strawberries lingering in the air. I could still feel the aura outside, I think I should check it out, something must be up, whoever it is, there lingering a bit too long. I turned the taps off and made my way downstairs, this is getting into a habit already. I opened my back door and was hit with his scent, it wasnt Cameron it was my mate, I looked towards the trees, as my heart thumped in my chest, I could feel his eyes lingering on me, as I finally spotted him, he wasnt in wolf form, he was sat with his back against one of the trees, when  my eyes locked with his. He looked shocked, but relaxed again thinking there was no way I could see him.I can't do this, the pain from today hit me hard again, stealing my breath, I took a couple of steps back towards my door and broke eye contact as I turned my back on him and walked back into my house.

            What is he doing sitting outside my house, he doesn't want me, he made that clear, is this part of him torturing me, been so close to me but I can't have him. I walked back upstair to my bathroom, I put my iPod into my portable speaker and put on Demi Lovato, skyscraper, as I stripped off my clothes and stepped into my piping hot bath. I can still feel him outside, I cleared my head and just listen to the lyrics of the song, drowning out everything around me, even his presence.

                                       I kept my eyes closed, but images started to flash in my mind so clear I couldnt ignore them,  it was of demons from the underworld my know doubt looking for me, there getting close, when I released the build up earlier, my power must have been too strong for the stones to work. Ares brought me away from here, but not far enough, I can only see three low level demons, if I take them out now, it will look like the gods did it and think the power surge was from them, they might think the gods have already checked this area hopefully. If I go now, I can get them when they arrived, and stop them getting any closer, I passed that field Ares brought me to on my way here the first day.

                                            I got out of the bath and grabbed a towel drying myself, I put on my bra and underwear and ran to my room, I grabbed the first things I found, I put on black booty short, not the best thing, but easy to fight in, I threw back on my tank top, hoody and my hightops, I walked into my wardrobe and grabbed my mom sword, it will be quiter than than using the guns, and it will make sure they stay dead. I ran down stairs and grabbed my keys. As I got close to the door, I could still feel Jack's presence outside, shit, I cant have him following me, I slowly stepped outside my back door and look towards where I saw him earlyer, thank the gods he is asleep. I left the door opened slightly so he wouldnt hear it the click it would cause. I ran to my car, got in and started driving towards the field as fast as I could.

                               After an hour and a half, I saw it come into view, I parked my car in a gateway and got out, I jumped the gate and ran towards where I saw them appear. This is the start of me fighting back, I need to do this, I can't keep running scared anymore, I have found my mate and he doesn't want me, so I need to start fighting back now, I have no choice.  I only had to wait half an hour when I felt the energy in the air shift, I pulled back my sleeves and saw my symbols were starting to glow. I stood up ready to attack when they appear, I saw them but instead of three low level demons, there are four, but the extra demon isn't low level, I knew my decision to come would alter what's to come, but I didn't expect a stronger demon to arrive. Its too late to turn back now, I'm going to be seen either way, I rather be taken fighting than just hand myself over to them.            

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