7 Months Later

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After everything that's happened it's hard to believe my daughter is here. I'm so happy, I'm sure Lincoln is smiling down at us. About 12 hours ago I was in the kitchen with Jemma when it happened....my water broke. The things that happened next was a blur. It all happened so fast. After the pain, contractions, and giving birth, 12 hours later the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen. I know it sounds selfish but it's true.
I've gotten to hold my daughter a few times before everyone came in. Everyone took their turn and turn holding her. May said she had Lincoln's eyes, Fitzsimmons admired how calm she was, coulson loved everything about the little pink bundle that he held, Mack admired how small she was. Not to long my baby girl was back in my arms. She was sleeping peacefully. As I watched her I thought to myself My little Alexis Kay Campbell-Johnson....you are a gift. Your going to do amazing things. Your father loves you and so do I.

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