5 Years Later

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Daisy POV
Today is Alexis birthday. My baby girl turns 5 years old today. It's hard to believe it, it seems like yesterday she came into this world. When Lincoln died I didn't know how I was going keep on living..then I found out I was going to have a baby...that we were going to have a baby. Alexis looks more and more like her father everyday, she has my dark hair, but she has his eyes...his kind and beautiful eyes. She has his personality...I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she ended up having the powers her father had. "Mommy" is all I hear before Alexis jumps into my arms. "Mommy I love you" she says to me...She's so beautiful. "I love you to baby girl. Hey uncle Mack and Aunt Elaine are taking you yo get your hair and nails done for you party tonight. You'd better go Ahead and go with them" I say as I kiss her on her head. "Ok momma!" She says as she runs to Mack. I smile as I head to the break room to help May and Coulson set up the decorations. As the hours pass everything falls into place and the party in in full swing. After some games, piggy back rides, and food its time for presents. Mack built her a dollhouse, Yoyo got her some cute dresses, fitzsimmon got her a bunch of things including books, coloring books, lip gloss, some toys and other stuff, May got her a few necklaces and tea set and table, Coulson got her two things. He got her a red car she can drive around the base that looks exactly like Lola, the next thing he gave her brought all of us to tears..he gave her Lincoln's SHIELD badge/ID. Later on that night after the party was over and I was tucking her in she said something...something that had me puzzled. "Daddy says he loves us, he misses us and he'll come home soon. He says to keep his badge safe and give you a kiss for him" as I sat there looking at her sleeping face I looked at her father's badge on her table beside her bed and kept wondering what she means.

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