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I looked at the rouge and said "Alexander can you please stand outside? I would like to speak to him alone."
He looked at me and said "Willana I don't think that's a good idea."
"We want answers right?"
"Then I will get those answers."
He looked at the rouge with a hint of pity in his eyes that quickly turned to disgust as soon as he remembered what happened.
"Get him good babe."
"No worries. I will."
He left the room and locked the door behind him. I glared at the rogue in front of me and said "Where are the rest of your friends?"
"My friends? Why would I tell you that?"

I went straight for one of the knives from the torture placement every cell had. We restrained the prisoners with special chains and wolvesbane but they could see what weapons could possibly be used on them. I dipped the blade in this silver liquid that was really cool and waited for it to harden. Looks like when I'm in control Willana is immune to silver.
"I will ask you again! Where are your friends?! You have until this hardens. Which is in about a minute. Tell me."
"Never bitch."
It got hard and I said "Okay then. You have no one but yourself to blame."
I grabbed a large tuff of his black hair and pulled him down so that he was leaning against the wall. I took the knife and stabbed it into his right leg and twisted it.
"Tell me now."
He shook his head.
I used all my weight and pulled the knife down his leg so that it sliced open. He screamed and I stopped.
"Hurts don't it? That's what you did to me when you cut my wings off."
I left that knife in and grabbed another one and did the same thing.
"Why did you attack my pack?"
"I-I will never talk."
I stabbed his other leg and said "answer me."
I pulled it down and once again he screamed.
"It will only get worse if you don't tell me what I want to know. Why did you attack my pack?"
He stayed quiet. I grabbed a spike coller and put it around his neck. I looked at him and said "this coller will gouge off that pretty little mate Mark on your throat but won't kill you. I want that honor. Your mate must be in so much pain and trust me that's not a good thing for your children to see. This will all end if you answer my questions. Why did you attack my pack?"
"We were told to."
"The head boss wanted you for his own so we were to capture you unless..."
"Unless what?"
"Unless there was something wrong with you. Then we were to kill you. You were pregnant so we thought we would kill you."
"That wasn't so hard now was it? Now where are your friends?""
"Fuck off."
I tightened the coller enough to push against his Mark and he tensed.
"Tell me."
"West. About 30 miles."
"Good. That pain in your legs is what I feel like after losing my baby times ten.
This is what it feels like when you cut out my wings."
I took two silver dipped daggers and plunged them into his shoulder blades. He screamed as I twisted them very slowly. I left them there and grabbed the bowl of salt.
"W-Whats, that for?"
I sprinkled some in his leg wounds and on his shoulders. The pain was too much. I removed the spike coller and said "Thank you for that information."
At this time I was soked in blood so I went and washed it away.

I walked out the room and said "They're 30 miles west of here."

"How did you find that out?"
I looked at him and said "Just be greatfull there's a shower in there otherwise it wouldn't be so nice."
He looked at the room and said "Do I want to know what's going on?"
"I just repayed the favor."
I nodded twords the room and he went inside. He came out as white as a ghost.

"You left him alive like that?"
I walked to our room and said "But just in case he was lying...let him go."
"Let him go?"
"Yes. We'll follow him back to his hide out and end this thing."
Alexander nodded and said "Your not Willana are you?"
I smiled and said "I'm still your mate but I'm the more...darker side of your mate. What happened made her shut down completely. So I decided to step in while she heals herself. She'll come back when she's ready."
Alexander nodded and said "Oh. Okay."
I looked at him and said "Why do you look so frightened? I won't hurt you or any of the pack. I'm just a coping method."
"A dangerous one."
I smiled and said "Thank you!"
"Do you have a name?"
"Do her parent's know about you?"
"Yes. But Willana does not. When she decides she's better she'll come back and not remember any of this."
He relaxed and said "I'll get the fighters ready."
"Let them be for a few days. We just had a massive rouge attack. We'll carry out the plan then."
"Fair enough."

She started to sway on her feet and she said "Willana is ready to come back. Good bye for now."
I saw willana's beautiful eyes return and she said "Alexander? What happened?"
I walked over to her and said "I'm not sure baby. But I'll find out."


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